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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Transmission Media - MCQs Answers

Posted by Unknown at 5:51 PM
answers key for Transmission Media in Datacom
Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) of Transmission Media.
  1. equal to
  2. physical
  3. Coaxial
  4. Coaxial
  5. Coaxial; twisted-pair
  6. Microwaves
  7. glass or plastic
  8. outer conductor
  9. ground
  10. denser than
  11. Twisted-pair
  12. light
  13. line-of-sight
  14. unidirectional
  15. guided
  16. Twisted-pair
  17. sky
  18. guided or unguided
  19. Infrared waves
  20. Unguided
  21. Fiber-optic
  22. local telephone system
  23. reflection
  24. atmosphere
  25. unidirectional
  26. Fiber-optic
  27. omnidirectional
  28. reflection

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credit: Behrouz A. Forouzan©2013
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