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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Wired LANs: Ethernet - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 11:27 PM
Multiple choice questions in Wired LANs: Ethernet
In this particular topic you have learned Wired LANs: Ethernet, the most widely used local area network protocol. This chapter discuss the Ethernet evolution through four generations: Standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet and Ten-Gigabit Ethernet. If you skip the summary visit Wired LANs: Ethernet .

Begin and Good luck!
  1. __________ uses four twisted pairs.
    • A)   1000Base-LX
    • B)   1000Base-T
    • C)   1000Base-SX
    • D)   none of the above
  2. 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-LX, and 1000Base-CX use _________ block coding and ________ line coding.
    • A)   8B/10B; NRZ
    • B)   4B/5B; NRZ
    • C)   8B/10B; NRZ
    • D)   4B/5B; MLT-3

  3. _________ uses two fiber-optic cables.
    • A)   100Base-FX
    • B)   100Base-T4
    • C)   100Base-TX
    • D)   none of the above
  4. __________ uses two optical fibers and a short-wave laser source.
    • A)   1000Base-LX
    • B)   1000Base-SX
    • C)   1000Base-T
    • D)   none of the above
  5. What is the hexadecimal equivalent of the Ethernet address 01011010 00010001 01010101 00011000 10101010 00001111?
    • A)   5A:81:BA:81:AA:0F
    • B)   5A:11:55:18:AA:0F
    • C)   5A:88:AA:18:55:F0
    • D)   5A:18:5A:18:55:0F
  6. In Ethernet addressing, if all the bits are 1s, the address is _________.
    • A)   multicast
    • B)   broadcast
    • C)   unicast
    • D)   none of the above
  7. If an Ethernet destination address is 07:01:02:03:04:05, then this is a ______ address.
    • A)   broadcast
    • B)   unicast
    • C)   multicast
    • D)   any of the above
  8. Each station on an Ethernet network has a unique _______ address imprinted on its network interface card (NIC).
    • A)   48-bit
    • B)   32-bit
    • C)   5-byte
    • D)   none of the above
  9. Gigabit Ethernet has a data rate of ________Mbps.
    • A)   10,000
    • B)   1000
    • C)   100
    • D)   10
  10. In the Ethernet frame, the _______ field contains error detection information.
    • A)   address
    • B)   preamble
    • C)   CRC
    • D)   none of the above
  11. 100Base-T4 uses ________ line coding.
    • A)   8B6T
    • B)   Manchester
    • C)   MLT-3
    • D)   NRZ
  12. ________uses long-wave 1310-nm single mode fiber.
    • A)   10GBase-E
    • B)   10GBase-S
    • C)   10GBase-L
    • D)   none of the above
  13. ______defines a protocol data unit (PDU) that is somewhat similar to that of HDLC.
    • A)   LLC
    • B)   LLU
    • C)   MAC
    • D)   none of the above
  14. 100Base-TX uses _________ block coding and ________ line coding.
    • A)   8B/10B; NRZ
    • B)   4B/5B; MLT-3
    • C)   4B/5B; NRZ
    • D)   8B/10B; NRZ
  15. The _____ sublayer is responsible for the operation of the CSMA/CD access method and framing.
    • A)   MAC
    • B)   MII
    • C)   LLC
    • D)   none of the above
  16. _______ is the most widely used local area network protocol.
    • A)   Token Bus
    • B)   Ethernet
    • C)   Token Ring
    • D)   none of the above
  17. In Ethernet addressing, if the least significant bit of the first byte is 1, the address is _________.
    • A)   multicast
    • B)   broadcast
    • C)   unicast
    • D)   none of the above
  18. Gigabit Ethernet access methods include _______ mode.
    • A)   full-duplex
    • B)   half-duplex
    • C)   both (a) and (b)
    • D)   neither (a) nor (b)
  19. _________ uses four pairs of voice-grade, or higher, twisted-pair cable.
    • A)   100Base-T4
    • B)   100Base-FX
    • C)   100Base-TX
    • D)   none of the above
  20. Standard Ethernet (10-Mbps) uses _______ encoding.
    • A)   AMI
    • B)   Manchester
    • C)   NRZ
    • D)   differential Manchester
  21. In _________, auto negotiation allows two devices to negotiate the mode or data rate of operation.
    • A)   Ten-Gigabit Ethernet
    • B)   Gigabit Ethernet
    • C)   Fast Ethernet
    • D)   Standard
  22. If an Ethernet destination address is 08:07:06:05:44:33, then this is a ______ address.
    • A)   broadcast
    • B)   unicast
    • C)   multicast
    • D)   any of the above
  23. ________ uses short-wave 850-nm multimode fiber.
    • A)   10GBase-E
    • B)   10GBase-L
    • C)   10GBase-S
    • D)   none of the above
  24. Which of the following could not be an Ethernet multicast destination?
    • A)   7B:AA:C1:23:45:32
    • B)   7C:56:21:1A:DE:F4
    • C)   83:32:21:21:4D:34
    • D)   B7:7B:6C:DE:10:00
  25. __________ uses thin coaxial cable.
    • A)   10Base2
    • B)   10Base5
    • C)   10Base-F
    • D)   10Base-T
  26. In the Ethernet, the _______field is actually added at the physical layer and is not (formally) part of the frame.
    • A)   address
    • B)   CRC
    • C)   preamble
    • D)   none of the above
  27. Fast Ethernet has a data rate of ________Mbps.
    • A)   10,000
    • B)   1000
    • C)   100
    • D)   10
  28. The purpose of the _______ is to provide flow and error control for the upper-layer protocols that actually demand these services.
    • A)   LLC
    • B)   LLU
    • C)   MAC
    • D)   none of the above
  29. __________ uses two pairs of twisted-pair cable.
    • A)   100Base-T4
    • B)   100Base-TX
    • C)   100Base-FX
    • D)   none of the above
  30. ________ uses fiber-optic cable.
    • A)   10Base2
    • B)   10Base-F
    • C)   10Base-T
    • D)   10Base5
  31. In Ethernet addressing, if the least significant bit of the first byte is 0, the address is _________.
    • A)   broadcast
    • B)   multicast
    • C)   unicast
    • D)   none of the above
  32. ________ uses 1550-mm single mode fiber.
    • A)   10GBase-E
    • B)   10GBase-S
    • C)   10GBase-L
    • D)   none of the above
  33. 1000Base-T uses ________ line coding.
    • A)   MLT-3
    • B)   4D-PAM5
    • C)   Manchester
    • D)   8B6T
  34. The maximum frame length for 10-Mbps Ethernet is ________ bytes.
    • A)   1200
    • B)   1518
    • C)   1500
    • D)   none of the above
  35. The minimum frame length for 10-Mbps Ethernet is _______bytes.
    • A)   128
    • B)   80
    • C)   32
    • D)   none of the above
  36. __________uses two optical fibers and a long-wave laser source.
    • A)   1000Base-T
    • B)   1000Base-SX
    • C)   1000Base-LX
    • D)   none of the above
  37. The _______ layer of Ethernet consists of the LLC sublayer and the MAC sublayer.
    • A)   network
    • B)   data link
    • C)   physical
    • D)   none of the above
  38. 100Base-FX uses _________ block coding and ________ line coding.
    • A)   8B/10B; NRZ
    • B)   4B/5B; MLT-3
    • C)   8B/10B; NRZ
    • D)   4B/5B; NRZ-I
  39. Which of the following could not be an Ethernet unicast destination?
    • A)   46:56:21:1A:DE:F4
    • B)   43:7B:6C:DE:10:00
    • C)   48:32:21:21:4D:34
    • D)   44:AA:C1:23:45:32
  40. _________ uses thick coaxial cable.
    • A)   10Base2
    • B)   10Base5
    • C)   10Base-F
    • D)   10Base-T
  41. The IEEE 802.3 Standard defines _________ CSMA/CD as the access method for first-generation 10-Mbps Ethernet.
    • A)   non-persistent
    • B)   p-persistent
    • C)   1-persistent
    • D)   none of the above
  42. _________ uses four twisted-pair cables that connect each station to a common hub.
    • A)   10Base-F
    • B)   10Base-T
    • C)   10Base5
    • D)   10Base2

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credit: Behrouz A. Forouzan©2013
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