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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Electrical Circuit - MCQs Part I

Posted by Unknown at 2:03 PM
Electrical Circuit - MCQS Part I

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in AC-DC circuits
  • MCQs in Resistors
  • MCQs in Inductors
  • MCQs in Capacitors

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electrical circuits MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI

Start with Part I of the MCQs Series

1. Conventional flow assumes charges flow from

  • A. Positive to negative
  • B. Positive to positive
  • C. Negative to positive
  • D. Negative to negative

2. Electron flow assumes charges flow from

  • A. Negative to positive
  • B. Negative to negative
  • C. Positive to negative
  • D. Positive to positive

3. Series resonance occurs when

  • A. XL = XC
  • B. XL = R
  • C. Z = R
  • D. Both A and C

4. The symbol Q refers to

  • A. Resonance quotient
  • B. Quality factor
  • C. Power quotient
  • D. Qualification test

5. The ratio of W/VA in an ac circuit means

  • A. Power factor
  • B. Reactive factor
  • C. Quality factor
  • D. Load factor

6. What is the reciprocal of quality factor?

  • A. Power factor
  • B. Reactive factor
  • C. Dissipation factor
  • D. 1/Q factor

7. In liquids and gases, ionization current results from a flow of

  • A. Positive or negative ions
  • B. Free electrons
  • C. Ions that are lighter in weight than electrons
  • D. Protons

8. VL = VC in a series RLC circuit when

  • A. The value of the impedance is minimum
  • B. The power factor is zero
  • C. The current leads the total voltage by 90˚
  • D. The total voltage is zero

9. At what frequency will an inductor of 5mH have the same reactance as a capacitor of 0.1 μF?

  • A. 7.12 kHz
  • B. 7.12 Hz
  • C. 7.12MHz
  • D. 7.12 GHz

10. Property of an electric circuit that dissipates electric energy

  • A. Reactance
  • B. Impedance
  • C. Resistance
  • D. Conductance

11. What is the other name of relative permittivity?

  • A. Dielectric strength
  • B. Potential gradient
  • C. Breakdown voltage
  • D. Specific inductance capacity

12. In a series RLC circuit

  • A. The current lags VL by 90˚
  • B. The current leads VL by 90˚
  • C. XL leads Xc by 90˚
  • D. Z = jXL at resonance

13. Resistor with colored bands in the body

  • A. Wire-wound resistor
  • B. Carbon-composition resistor
  • C. Potentiometer
  • D. Rheostat

14. In a resonant circuit, if Q ≥ 10 resonant frequency _______ bandwidth.

  • A. Bisects
  • B. Exceeds
  • C. Is less than
  • D. Is equal to

15. Which of the following conditions is not true for a series RLC circuit at resonance?

  • A. Z = jXL
  • B. XL = XC
  • C. The power factor is one
  • D. The magnitude of Z is

16. The current is ____ times the maximum current at half-power points of a resonance curve.

  • A. 0.707
  • B. 1.414
  • C. 0.5
  • D. 0.632

17. A gang capacitor is a variable capacitor in which capacitance is varied by changing the

  • A. Dielectric
  • B. Number of plates
  • C. Plate area
  • D. Distance between plates

18. In an ac circuit with inductive reactance, the

  • A. Phase angle of the circuit is always 45˚
  • B. Voltage across the inductance must be 90˚ out-of-phase with the applied voltage
  • C. Current through the inductance lags its induced voltage by 90˚
  • D. Current through the inductance and voltage across it are180˚ out-of-phase

19. If three 9 mH inductors are connected in parallel without mutual inductance then the total inductance is

  • A. 3 mH
  • B. 9 mH
  • C. 27 mH
  • D. 18 mH

20. What is the specific resistance of a pure germanium?

  • A. 55 Ω-cm
  • B. 55 Ω-m
  • C. 55 Ω-mm
  • D. 55 kΩ-m

21. Two capacitors of capacitance 9 μF and 18 μF in series will have a total capacitance of

  • A. 27 μF
  • B. 162 μF
  • C. 6 μF
  • D. 180 μF

22. In a series RLC circuit

  • A. Increasing the frequency decreases the resistance
  • B. Increasing the frequency increases the resistance
  • C. Both XL and XC change as frequency changes
  • D. Impedance will always decrease

23. A series RLC circuit has a ______ power factor at its half-power points

  • A. Unity
  • B. Leading
  • C. Lagging
  • D. Either B or C

24. Kirchhoff’s laws (KCL and KVL) are applicable to

  • A. DC circuits
  • B. AC circuits
  • C. DC as well as AC circuits
  • D. Passive networks alone

25. A tank circuit is a

  • A. Parallel LC circuit
  • B. Series LC circuit
  • C. A resonant circuit
  • D. A non-resonant circuit

26. A capacitive load always has a ______ power facto

  • A. Leading
  • B. Lagging
  • C. Zero
  • D. Unity

27. What is the temperature coefficient of the resistance Eureka?

  • A. Infinity
  • B. Negative
  • C. Almost zero
  • D. Positive

28. As applied to a series RLC circuit, bandwidth means

  • A. The frequency range for maximum power transfer
  • B. The difference between the highest and lowest frequencies of the oscillator
  • C. The separation of the half-power points
  • D. The frequency at which XL = XC

29. Which is considered as the effect of a dielectric material?

  • A. Increasing capacitance
  • B. Decreasing capacitance
  • C. Reducing the working voltage
  • D. Increasing the distance between the plates

30. The open-circuit voltage at the terminal of load RL is 60V. Under the condition of maximum power transfer, the load voltage will be

  • A. 60 V
  • B. 15 V
  • C. 20 V
  • D. 30 V

31. If a capacitor is rated for 200V dc, what is its effective ac working voltage?

  • A. 50 V
  • B. 100 V
  • C. 200 V
  • D. 400 V

32. If resonant frequency is 10 kHz and quality factor is 50, then

  • A. Bandwidth is 200 Hz
  • B. XL = is 50,000 Ω
  • C. R is 50 Ω
  • D. XC = is 50,000 Ω

33. Which statement is true?

  • A. A series resonant circuit is of high impedance
  • B. A parallel resonant circuit is of low impedance
  • C. A series resonant circuit is inductive if it operates at a frequency higher than the resonant frequency
  • D. A parallel resonant circuit is inductive if it operates at a frequency higher than the resonant frequency

34. What is considered as the most important value of a sine wave?

  • A. Effective value
  • B. Peak value
  • C. Average value
  • D. Instantaneous value

35. An ac series circuit is composed of a resistance of 20 Ω, inductive reactance of 40 Ω, and a capacitive reactance of 15 Ω. If a current of 1 ampere is flowing, what is the applied voltage

  • A. 320 V
  • B. 32 V
  • C. 220 V
  • D. 22 V

36. An intermittent and non-symmetrical alternating current like that obtained from the secondary winding of an induction coil

  • A. Faradic current
  • B. Transient ac current
  • C. Inductive current
  • D. Capacitive current

37. The value of temperature coefficient (α) is dependent upon

  • A. The nature of material and temperature
  • B. The length of material
  • C. The cross-sectional area of the material
  • D. The volume of the material

38. At what frequency will the current in a series RLC circuit reach its maximum value for an applied voltage of 15 V with R = 500 Ω, L = 100 μH and C = 0.001 μF?

  • A. 503 kHz
  • B. 403 kHz
  • C. 603 kHz
  • D. 303 kHz

39. If two equal resistances connected in series across a certain supply are now connected in parallel across the same supply, the power produced will be _____ that of series connection

  • A. One-half
  • B. One-fourth
  • C. Two times
  • D. Four times

40. The voltage lags the current by cycle in a

  • A. Purely resistive circuit
  • B. Purely inductive circuit
  • C. Purely capacitive circuit
  • D. Circuit containing resistance, capacitance and inductance

41. What is the half-power bandwidth of a parallel resonant circuit which has a resonant frequency of 3.6 MHz and Q of 218?

  • A. 1.65 kHz
  • B. 16.5 MHz
  • C. 16.5 kHz
  • D. 165 kHz

42. Which one of the following elements serves as a protection against overload?

  • A. Fuse
  • B. Switch
  • C. Resistor
  • D. Relay

43. Transient period is considered over after

  • A. 5
  • B. 1
  • C. 100
  • D. 6

44. What rating of a resistor determines its ability to absorb heat?

  • A. Wattage
  • B. Ohmic
  • C. Current
  • D. Voltage

45. An open inductor has

  • A. Zero resistance and infinite inductance
  • B. Infinite resistance and zero inductance
  • C. Infinite resistance and infinite inductance
  • D. Zero resistance and zero inductance

46. What is the reading of an ohmmeter for a shorted capacitor?

  • A. Zero
  • B. Infinity
  • C. k Ω
  • D. M Ω

47. What capacitance exists not through design but simply because two conducting surfaces are relatively close to each other?

  • A. Surge
  • B. Stray
  • C. Natural
  • D. Normal

48. The average value of a triangular or sawtooth wave is _____ times its peak value.

  • A. 0.577
  • B. 0.500
  • C. 0.318
  • D. 0.637

49. A series RLC circuit consists of a 10 Ω resistor in series with L = 10 μH, and C = 100 μF. Determine a new value of I, for which the resonant frequency is one –half the original value.

  • A. 40 μH
  • B. 40 mH
  • C. 40 pH
  • D. 40 nH

50. What is the peak factor of a triangular wave?

  • A. 1.16
  • B. 1.73
  • C. 1.41
  • D. 1.11


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