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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQs Part IV - Answers

Posted by Unknown at 11:38 PM
Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQS Part IV - Answers

Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions in Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQS Part IV

151. By moving the coils apart

152. The force set up when current flows through a conductor

153. Linear

154. In the direction determined by the left hand rule

155. Amount of current

156. Voltage opposing the applied emf

157. Oppose the change

158. 0.5 Tesla of flux density

159. 1000 A.t

160. 6366 A.t/Wb

161. 3.78 x 10-4

162. 0.252 T

163. 167 turns

164. 300

165. The number of protons

166. Crystalline solid

167. Emf

168. Amorphous

169. Non- crystalline

170. Pauli exclusion principle

171. Ionic

172. permit mechanical clearance

173. Covalent

174. Because air has the lowest relative permeability

175. Metallic

176. directly proportional to

177. Van der Waals bond

178. Atomic packing factor (APF)

179. Madelung constant

180. creepage

181. φi/ φg

182. Curie’s Law

183. inversely proportional to

184. Curie-Weiss Law

185. Ewing’s theory of ferromagnetism

186. length ÷ area

187. Ampere’s theorem

188. 1.15 to 1.25

189. Astrionics

190. Flux density in the circuit

191. Aurora

192. air

193. Bridgman effect

194. soft iron

195. 400 V

196. At/Wb

197. 1.257 mWb/m2

198. Using material narrow hysteresis loop

199. hysteresis loss

200. silicon steel

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI


For any Questions, Clarifications and any violent Reactions use the comment section below. I'll be much willing to assist you.

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