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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Domain Name System - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 3:50 PM
MCQs for Domain Name System

Topic Outline

    • Hierarchy of Name Servers
    • Zone
    • Root Server
    • Primary and Secondary Servers
    • Generic Domains
    • Country Domains
    • Inverse Domain
    • Resolver
    • Mapping Names to Addresses
    • Mapping Address to Names
    • Recursive Resolution
    • Iterative Resolution
    • Caching

Begin and Good luck!

1. A full domain name is a sequence of labels separated by ________.

  • A)            semicolons
  • B)            dots
  • C)            colons
  • D)            none of the above

2. A ________ server loads all information from the primary server.

  • A)            primary
  • B)            secondary
  • C)            zone
  • D)            none of the above

3. The first level in the generic domains section allows ______ possible labels.

  • A)            10
  • B)            12
  • C)            16
  • D)            none of the above

4. If a label is not terminated by a null string, it is called a __________.

  • A)            PQDN
  • B)            FQDN
  • C)            SQDN
  • D)            none of the above

5. What a server is responsible for or has authority over is called a _________.

  • A)            domain
  • B)            label
  • C)            zone
  • D)            none of the above

6. DNS can use the services of ________ using the well-known port 53.

  • A)            UDP
  • B)            TCP
  • C)            either (a) or (b)
  • D)            none of the above

7. In the domain name, _______ is the most specific label.

  • A)            chal
  • B)            atc
  • C)            fhda
  • D)            none of the above

8. The root of the DNS tree is _______.

  • A)            a string of characters
  • B)            a string of 63 characters
  • C)            an empty string
  • D)            none of the above

9. When the secondary downloads information from the primary, it is called ______ transfer.

  • A)            domain
  • B)            zone
  • C)            label
  • D)           none of the above

10. A _______ is a server whose zone consists of the whole tree.

  • A)            domain server
  • B)            zone server
  • C)            root server
  • D)            none of the above

11. A pointer query involves the _______ domain.

  • A)             inverse
  • B)             reverse
  • C)             root
  • D)             none of the above

12. Each node in the tree has a _______, which is a string with a maximum of ___ characters.

  • A)             label; 127
  • B)             name; 255
  • C)             label; 63
  • D)             none of the above

13. To have a hierarchical name space, a ______________ was designed.

  • A)             domain space
  • B)             domain name
  • C)             domain name space
  • D)             none of the above

14. The _______ domains define registered hosts according to their generic behavior.

  • A)             generic
  • B)             country
  • C)             inverse
  • D)             none of the above

15. In a _________name space, each name is made of several parts.

  • A)             flat
  • B)             hierarchical
  • C)             organized
  • D)             none of the above

16. In a _______ name space, a name is assigned to an address. A name in this space is a sequence of characters without structure.

  • A)             flat
  • B)             hierarchical
  • C)             organized
  • D)             Connection-Oriented

17. The _________ domain is used to map an address to a name.

  • A)             generic
  • B)             country
  • C)             inverse
  • D)             none of the above

18. The ____________ domain section uses two-character country abbreviations.

  • A)             generic
  • B)             country
  • C)             inverse
  • D)             Bandwidth

19. A _________ is a subtree of the domain name space.

  • A)             label
  • B)             name
  • C)             domain
  • D)             none of the above

20. In the DNS, the names are defined in ___________ structure.

  • A)             a linear list
  • B)             an inverted-tree
  • C)             a graph
  • D)             none of the above

21. If a label is terminated by a null string, it is called a __________.

  • A)             PQDN
  • B)             FQDN
  • C)             SQDN
  • D)             none of the above

22. In the Internet, the domain name space (tree) is divided into _______ different sections:

  • A)             three
  • B)             two
  • C)             four
  • D)             none of the above

23. In __________ resolution, the server returns the IP address of the server that it thinks can resolve the query.

  • A)             iterative
  • B)             recursive
  • C)             straight
  • D)             none of the above

24. In the domain name, _______ is the least specific label.

  • A)             chal
  • B)             atc
  • C)             edu
  • D)             none of the above

25. A host with the domain name is on the _______ level of the DNS hierarchical tree. (The root is level one.)

  • A)             third
  • B)             fourth
  • C)             fifth
  • D)             none of the above

26. In __________ resolution, the resolver expects the server to supply the final answer.

  • A)             iterative
  • B)             recursive
  • C)             straight
  • D)             none of the above

27. A ________ server loads all information from the disk file.

  • A)             primary
  • B)             secondary
  • C)             zone
  • D)             none of the above

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credit: Behrouz A. Forouzan©2013
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