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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Remote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer - MCQs Answers

Posted by Unknown at 9:37 PM
Answers key forRemote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer
Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) in Remote Logging, Electronic Mail, and File Transfer .

1. two UAs, two pairs of MTAs, and a pair of MAAs

2. MTAs

3. DO

4. two UAs and two pairs of MTAs

5. envelope

6. data; control

7. file type

8. pull

9. none of the above

10. character

11. pseudoterminal driver

12. TCP


14. store a file

15. as many times as necessary

16. minimize delay

17. remote

18. MAA

19. a well-known; an ephemeral

20. 1

21. SMTP

22. MIME

23. all are

24. WILL

25. retrieve file and retrieve list

26. terminal network

27. local

28. header

29. none of the above

30. A UA

31. header; body

32. line

33. content-description

34. WONT

35. push

36. transmission modes

37. 0

38. TELNET server

39. two UAs

40. local part; domain name

41. IAC

42. two UAs and one pair of MTAs

43. exactly once

44. DONT

45. TELNET client

46. POP3; IMAP4

47. general-purpose

48. data structures

49. none of the above

50. 21; 20

51. default

52. command-driven; GUI-based

53. IMAP4; POP3

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