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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Definite Integrals

Posted by Unknown at 12:36 PM
Lecture on Definite Integral

Definite integrals are used to find the area between the graph of a function and the x-axis. If a continuous function f(x) is positive over the domain , then the area under its graph is


  • F(x) is the integral of f(x);

  • F(b) is the value of the integral at the upper limit, x=b; and

  • F(a) is the value of the integral at the lower limit, x=a.

Note: It does not involve a constant of integration (arbitrary constant) and it gives us a definite value (a number) at the end of the calculation.

Properties of the Definite Integral:

  • Integral of a constant:


  • Linearity:


    (b) if c is a constant.
  • Interval Additivity



    (c) If a < b then it is convenient to define
  • Comparison:

     If 0 < f(x) < g(x) for all x in [a, b],

The Evaluation Theorem

If is a continuous function and F is an antiderivative of f,   F'(x) = f(x), then


 Example: Using the Theorem, Find the value of  .
  • Applying what you learned, an antiderivative of x2 is
  • Then, evaluate and substitute the limit. 

  • = with limit 0 to 1 =  

At this point, you are ready to answer some problems involving definite integral. Follow the link to start. Definite Integral - Set 1 Problems

If you have some clarifications. Let me know.

credit: Renato E. Apa-ap, et al.©2013
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