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Thursday, January 3, 2013

About FroydWess - Online Notes

Posted by Unknown at 12:22 PM
Froyd Wess
Froyd is a retired Network Management System Engineer in one of the Telecommunications Company in the Philippines and currently a full time Engineering Faculty. He likes to impart knowledge, wisdom and values that will strengthens the foundation of the future generations.

To finish the course, he believes that students must fly like an eagle and rise above the clouds when rain comes - He want to become the wind beneath their wings.

Right now, he is spending most of his time and effort to provide readers, students, and board reviewers an alternative way to learn at the comfort of their home. was founded last year and currently increasing readership mostly students and reviewers. The author is trying his best to maintain and add notes with the limited time he has at home. If you have any concerns, suggestions, questions or any clarification you can send feedback here, Email Froyd Wess

For more of me, you can follow on facebook,         


  • The purpose of this blog is to provide a of free online notes, lectures, exams, quizzes, presentations, ppt, mcqs and q&a. I am trying my best to write the notes/tutorials and presentations in such a way that they should be accessible to anyone wanting to learn regardless of whether you are in my classes or not.


  • Provide a complete set of free online notes for every subject in engineering.
  • Provide a series of multiple choice questions in different engineering subjects to help board examinees review before taking the exam.


  • To become one of the most credible source for an alternative online knowledge base information for students, reviewers, instructors as well as those who just want to learn.


Lectures to be added soon . . .


  • Creating and maintaining a blog/website is not an easy task.  I really appreciate the support by providing feedback, suggestions and comments. This will keep this Online Notes alive.

Team-up: Be an Author and Contributor

  • I am encouraging my Students, Friends, Instructors or anyone who want to share their work to be part of the team. Together we will building an online knowledge base information that could be freely available to learners from all walks of life.
  • If you are interested just give me a ping by sending me an e-mail and we will discuss how you could help.

Important Notes

I have the full authority to add, edit, delete any notes and information on this blog. Particular sources of any information are properly credited that can be found at the footnote of a particular page. However, In a case that I missed or you feel that you must be included in the credit section, you can contact me to include you or request to remove your information.

Thank you for dropping by and again Welcome to my Online Notes.

"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"

last update: April. 10, 2014©2013 - 2014
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  1. You are really doing a great job. Keep it up man !



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