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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Integral Table - Integration Formulas

Posted by Unknown at 4:15 PM
Integral Table - Integration Formulas
This post is intended for the compilation of complete table of integral. Let this be your guide for the correct and successful integration of every function you encounter. I'm sure this will make your homework easy and exciting to solve. Let me know if you want to add integral formulas that I missed.

Basic Forms

  • , where n ≠ –1
  • , where a > 0 and a ≠ 1
  • , where F(u) is an antiderivative of f(u)

Basic Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Forms

  • for a > 0
  • for a > 0
  • for u > 1
  • for u > a > 0

Basic Rational Forms

  • for a > 0
  • for a > 0

Trigonometric Forms

Inverse Trigonometric Forms

  • for u > 1
  • for u > 1

Forms Involving

  • . for a > 0

Forms Involving

Forms Involving

  • for u > a > 0

Forms Involving  au + b

Exponential Forms

Logarithmic Forms

Definite Integrals

Important Note

  • For the following, the letters a, b, n, and C represent constants.
  • Most of the following integral entries are written for indefinite integrals, but they also apply to definite integrals.©2013
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