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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ratings and Testimonials

Posted by Unknown at 2:15 PM
Ratings and Testimonials
Generally, instructors love to impart ideas, concepts, principles and learning to their students in a most efficient ways. It is really a blessing to have a family and circle of friends who will always appreciate our works and remind us that we are doing it the right way. I am pretty sure that these people will always be our strength in finding ways and working hard to improve the quality of learning of each and every students. Similarly, in continuing  doing what the instructors love to do best, nothing beats the compliments as well as suggestions from the students.

This page is exclusive for Ratings and Testimonials. Results will be use for reassessment and self evaluation.

The following are the criteria for rating:

  • Helpfulness
  • Easiness and Clarity
  • Overall Quality of Teaching
  • Hotness (Just for fun)


Write anything you want to say especially those who personally know me using the comment box below. I really appreciate the feedback. Thank you!

"Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam"

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