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Monday, December 23, 2013

Electrical Circuit - MCQs Part IV

Posted by Unknown at 10:20 AM
Electrical Circuit - MCQS Part IV

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in AC-DC circuits
  • MCQs in Resistors
  • MCQs in Inductors
  • MCQs in Capacitors

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electrical circuits MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI

Start with Part IV of the MCQs Series

151. Metal tin becomes superconductor at approximately

  • A. 6 K
  • B. 3.7 K
  • C. 5 K
  • D. 4.7 K

152. In a complex resistance-reactance plane, XL is represented

  • A. By an axis opposite the R axis
  • B. By an axis perpendicular to the XC axis
  • C. By an axis opposite the XC axis
  • D. By an axis parallel to the R axis

153. When the net reactance in a series coil-capacitor circuit is zero at frequency f, the nature of its reactance of frequency 2f is

  • A. Inductive
  • B. Capacitive
  • C. Resistive
  • D. Infinite

154. Which of the following is a way of decreasing mutual inductance?

  • A. Moving the coils closer
  • B. Moving the coils apart
  • C. Decreasing the number of turns of either coil
  • D. Increasing the number of turns of either coil

155. The charging of a capacitor through a resistance obeys

  • A. Exponential law
  • B. Logarithmic law
  • C. Linear law
  • D. Square law

156. The Q-factor of a parallel resonant circuit is also known as

  • A. Voltage magnification factor
  • B. Current magnification factor
  • C. Gain magnification factor
  • D. Resonance magnification factor

157. What is the specific resistance of a pure silicon?

  • A. 55 Ω-mm
  • B. 55 Ω-m
  • C. 55 Ω-cm
  • D. 55 kΩ-m

158. A capacitance of 0.05 μF equals

  • A. 0.05 x 106 F
  • B. 0.05 x 10-6 F
  • C. 0.05 x 10-12 F
  • D. 0.05 x 1012 F

159. A 5 μF capacitor charge to 5V has a stored charge equal to

  • A. 1 μc
  • B. 5 μc
  • C. 25 μC
  • D. 200 μc

160. The factor 0.707 for converting peak to rms applies only to

  • A. Square waves
  • B. Triangle waves
  • C. Sawtooth waves
  • D. Sine waves

161. When two in-phase sine waves that have identical frequency and amplitude are added together, then the result is a sine wave with ___ the amplitude of either.

  • A. Half
  • B. Twice
  • C. Four times
  • D. One-fourth

162. Liquids that are good conductors because of ionization are called

  • A. Electrolytic
  • B. Bases
  • C. Acid
  • D. Electrolytes

163. Tungsten filament of bulbs has a hot resistance higher than its cold resistance due to its temperature coefficient which is

  • A. Positive
  • B. Negative
  • C. Zero
  • D. Infinite

164. A term used to express the amount of electrical energy stored in electrostatic field.

  • A. Joules
  • B. Coulombs
  • C. Watts
  • D. Electron-volt

165. With double the number of turns by the same length and area, the inductance is

  • A. The same
  • B. Doubled
  • C. Quartered
  • D. Quadrupled

166. The temperature coefficient of resistance of electrolytes is

  • A. Negative
  • B. Positive
  • C. Zero
  • D. Infinite

167. What refers to the lowest voltage across any insulator that can cause current flow?

  • A. Conduction voltage
  • B. Critical voltage
  • C. Breakdown voltage
  • D. Voltage capacity

168. Capacitance increase with

  • A. Larger plate area and less distance between plates
  • B. Larger plate area and greater distance between plates
  • C. Smaller plate area and less distance between plates
  • D. Higher values of applied voltage

169. What is the resonant frequency of a circuit when L of 3 microhenrys and C of 40 picofarads are in series?

  • A. 14.5 kHz
  • B. 145 MHz
  • C. 14.5 MHz
  • D. 145 kHz

170. For a triangular and sawtooth waveform the rms voltage or current equals

  • A. 0.707 times peak value
  • B. 0.577 times peak value
  • C. 0.577 times average value
  • D. 0.707 times rms value

171. If two resistances of 9 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel, the total resistance is

  • A. 54 Ω
  • B. 0.3 Ω
  • C. 15 Ω
  • D. 3.6 Ω

172. Refers specifically to steady state values of quantities in ac circuits which are complex numbers.

  • A. Domain
  • B. Scalar quantity
  • C. Vector quantity
  • D. Phasor quantity

173. A capacitor is used to

  • A. Block dc current
  • B. Pass dc current
  • C. Open voltage source
  • D. Short the voltage source

174. The usual load of a dc circuit is a/an

  • A. Resistor
  • B. Capacitor
  • C. Inductor
  • D. Both inductor and capacitor

175. The second strip of an electronic resistor color-code represents

  • A. The multiplier
  • B. The second digit of the value
  • C. The temperature
  • D. The tolerance

176. Which of the following is a preferred resistor value?

  • A. 520
  • B. 47
  • C. 43,000
  • D. 54,321

177. A three-by-three, series-parallel matrix of resistors, all having the same ohmic value, would have a net resistance of

  • A. One-third the value of a single resistor
  • B. Three times the value of a single resistor
  • C. The same value as a single resistor
  • D. Nine times the value of a single resistor

178. In an ac wave, 30 degrees of phase is ___ of a cycle.

  • A. ½
  • B. 1/12
  • C. 1/3
  • D. 1/30

179. What is the value of a carbon composition resistor with the following color code: Brown, white, orange, red

  • A. 190 Ω; 10 %
  • B. 19 kΩ; 2 %
  • C. 19 kΩ; 20 %
  • D. 1.9 kΩ; 2 %

180. The electric field strength between capacitor plates has a unit of

  • A. Volts per meter
  • B. Volts per mil
  • C. Amperes per meter
  • D. Amperes per mil

181. For multi-plate capacitor, capacitance is proportional to

  • A. Number of plates less one(n – 1)
  • B. Number of plates plus one(n + 1)
  • C. Number of plates less two(n - 2)
  • D. Number of plates (n)

182. A capacitor consists of two

  • A. Conductors only
  • B. Dielectric only
  • C. Conductors separated by a dielectric
  • D. Dielectric separated by a conductor

183. How many coulombs are delivered by a storage battery in 25 hours if it is supplying current at the rate of 3 A?

  • A. 2.592 x 105 C
  • B. 2.592 x 103 C
  • C. 2.592 x 108 C
  • D. 2.592 x 1012 C

184. When frequency of an ac wave decreases, the value of XL in a coil

  • A. Approaches zero
  • B. Gets larger positively
  • C. Gets larger negatively
  • D. Stays constant

185. The temperature-resistance coefficient of pure gold is

  • A. 0.0034
  • B. 0.0037
  • C. 0.0038
  • D. 0.0039

186. The capacitor opposes any change in voltage across it by

  • A. Passing a voltage proportional to the rate of change of current
  • B. Acting as a short circuit at time equal to zero
  • C. Passing a current proportional to the rate of change of voltage
  • D. Acting as a short circuit at time equal to infinity

187. What is the most common non-sinusoidal waveform?

  • A. Square wave
  • B. Triangular wave
  • C. Trapezoidal wave
  • D. Sawtooth wave

188. Which of the following capacitors is suitable for dc filter circuits?

  • A. Mica
  • B. Ceramic
  • C. Paper
  • D. Electrolytic

189. A series RL circuit has R of 10 Ω and XL of 5 Ω, its impedance in rectangular form is given by

  • A. 10 + j 5 Ω
  • B. 10 + j 10 Ω
  • C. 10 – j 5 Ω
  • D. 10 – j 10 Ω

190. What is the reciprocal of capacitance?

  • A. Reluctance
  • B. Susceptance
  • C. Elastance
  • D. Conductance

191. If the output resistance of a voltage source is 4 Ω, it internal resistance should be

  • A. 4 Ω
  • B. 8 Ω
  • C. 2 Ω
  • D. Infinite

192. The curve between current and frequency is termed as

  • A. Voltage curve
  • B. Gain curve
  • C. Power curve
  • D. Resonance curve

193. What is the total effective capacitance of two 0.25 μF capacitors connected in series?

  • A. 0.125 μF
  • B. 1.25 μF
  • C. 0.50 μF
  • D. 2.5 if

194. What can be used to estimate resonant frequency and to find reactance at any frequency for any value of capacitor or inductor?

  • A. Smith chart
  • B. Reactance chart
  • C. Impedance chart
  • D. Resonance chart

195. For a parallel AC circuit, ___ is used as a reference phasor.

  • A. Voltage
  • B. Power
  • C. Current
  • D. Resistance

196. For a series AC circuit, ___ is not used as a reference phasor.

  • A. Voltage
  • B. Impedance
  • C. Current
  • D. Conductance

197. If a certain circuit has a current that is lagging the voltage by 45˚, then it displays

  • A. Pure inductive reactance
  • B. Resistance and capacitance reactance
  • C. Resistance and inductive reactance
  • D. Pure capacitive reactance

198. What maximum voltage can be applied across the capacitor for very short period of time?

  • A. Working voltage
  • B. Surge voltage
  • C. Stray voltage
  • D. Peak voltage

199. What is expected when two 20 kΩ, 1 watt resistor in parallel are use instead of one 10 kΩ, 1 watt?

  • A. Provides higher current
  • B. Provides less power
  • C. Provides more power
  • D. Provides wider tolerance

200. Which of the following materials has the lowest dielectric strength?

  • A. Glass
  • B. Paper
  • C. Mica
  • D. Teflon


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