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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Electrical Circuit - MCQs Part V

Posted by Unknown at 7:09 AM
Electrical Circuit - MCQS Part V

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in AC-DC circuits
  • MCQs in Resistors
  • MCQs in Inductors
  • MCQs in Capacitors

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electrical circuits MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI

Start with Part V of the MCQs Series

201. The distance between the capacitor plates increases two times, then its capacitance

  • A. Increases two times
  • B. Increases four times
  • C. Decreases two times
  • D. Decreases four times

202. The ratio between the active power and the apparent power of a load in an ac circuit is called

  • A. Quality factor
  • B. Power factor
  • C. Power ratio
  • D. Power reactive

203. When the power factor of a circuit is zero,

  • A. Power absorbed is maximum
  • B. Power absorbed is minimum
  • C. Power absorbed is zero
  • D. The impedance is minimum

204. How many degrees of phase represents one full cycle?

  • A. 360
  • B. 180
  • C. 270
  • D. 90

205. Which of the following does not generally affect the value of a capacitor?

  • A. The dielectric material used
  • B. The surface area of the plates
  • C. The thickness of the dielectric
  • D. The voltage applied to the plate

206. What is the purpose of a load in an electric circuit?

  • A. To increase the circuit current
  • B. To decrease the circuit current
  • C. To utilize electrical energy
  • D. To make the circuit complete

207. The power factor of a certain circuit in which the voltage lags behind the current is 80 %. To increase the power to 100 %, it is necessary to add ___ to the circuit.

  • A. Inductance
  • B. Capacitance
  • C. Resistance
  • D. Impedance

208. Refers to the outward-curving distortion of the lines of force near the edges of two parallel metal plates that form a capacitor.

  • A. Skin effect
  • B. Night effect
  • C. Edge effect
  • D. Hall effect

209. If voltage across the plates of 2 F capacitor is increased by 4 V, then charge on the plates will

  • A. Decrease by 2 C
  • B. Increase by 2 C
  • C. Decrease by 4 C
  • D. Increase by 4 C

210. What does a capacitor store?

  • A. Voltage
  • B. Charge
  • C. Current
  • D. Power

211. The mutual inductance between two coils is ___ the reluctance of magnetic path.

  • A. Directly proportional to
  • B. Inversely proportional to
  • C. Independent to
  • D. Equal to

212. The result of rust in electrical (wire) connection is

  • A. Inductance
  • B. Conductance
  • C. Impedance
  • D. Resistance

213. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a wire-wound resistor?

  • A. It has reactance in radio-frequency circuits
  • B. It cannot handle much power
  • C. It draws a large amount of current
  • D. It cannot handle high voltage

214. The resistance of an insulator ___ when its temperature is increased.

  • A. Decreases
  • B. Remains the same
  • C. Increases
  • D. Varies

215. The wavelength of an alternating waveform depends upon the ___ of the variation.

  • A. Period
  • B. Number
  • C. Frequency
  • D. Amplitude

216. Delta to wye or wye to delta transformation technique is applied to a ___ network.

  • A. One-terminal
  • B. Two-terminal
  • C. Three-terminal
  • D. Complex

217. For greater accuracy, the value of phase angle θ should be determined from

  • A. Cos θ
  • B. Tan θ
  • C. Sin θ
  • D. Sec θ

218. Inductive reactance applies only to sine waves because it

  • A. Increases with lower frequencies
  • B. Increases with lower inductance
  • C. Depends on the factor 2 π
  • D. Decreases with higher frequencies

219. What increases the resistance of wire at high frequencies?

  • A. Temperature
  • B. Voltage
  • C. Skin effect
  • D. Insulation

220. An inductor carries 2 A dc. If its inductance is 100 μH, then what is its inductive reactance?

  • A. Zero
  • B. 1.3 kΩ
  • C. 628 Ω
  • D. -628 Ω

221. Barium-strontium titanite dielectric material is also called

  • A. Ceramic
  • B. Polyster
  • C. Electrolytic
  • D. Bakelite

222. In the 5-band method of capacitor color coding, the first band indicates

  • A. Temperature coefficient
  • B. Tolerance
  • C. 1st digit
  • D. Capacitance value

223. What is the most convenient way of achieving large capacitance?

  • A. By using multiplate construction
  • B. By using air as dielectric
  • C. By decreasing distance between plates
  • D. By using dielectric of low permittivity

224. A linear circuit is one whose parameters

  • A. Change with change in voltage
  • B. Change with change in current
  • C. Do not change with voltage and current
  • D. Change with change in voltage and current

225. For a linear circuit, ___ voltage or current is used to calculate average power.

  • A. Rms
  • B. Peak
  • C. Average
  • D. Instantaneous

226. When two coils of identical reactance are in parallel without mutual inductance, the reactance of the combination is ___ the reactance of each coil.

  • A. One half
  • B. Twice
  • C. Four times
  • D. One fourth

227. Which of the following is also known as anti-resonant circuit?

  • A. Parallel resonant circuit
  • B. Series resonant circuit
  • C. Tuned circuit
  • D. Tank circuit

228. In a complex number 5 + j 10, 10 is called ___ part.

  • A. Imaginary
  • B. Real
  • C. Conjugate
  • D. Integer

229. The presence of an electric current is made known by

  • A. Electric shock
  • B. Effects produced
  • C. Magnetic shock
  • D. Flashing

230. The reciprocal of a complex number is

  • A. A complex number
  • B. A real number
  • C. An imaginary number
  • D. A whole number

231. Which of the following has negative temperature coefficient?

  • A. Carbon
  • B. Nickel
  • C. Brass
  • D. Constantan

232. Which of the following is a common material used in wire-wound resistors?

  • A. Manganin
  • B. Carbon
  • C. Bronze
  • D. German silver wire

233. If one resistance in a series connection is open, then

  • A. The current is zero in all the other resistances
  • B. The current is maximum in all the other resistances
  • C. The voltage is zero across the open resistance
  • D. The voltage is infinite across the open resistance

234. What determines the magnitude of electric current?

  • A. The rate at which electrons are produced
  • B. The type of material used
  • C. The current carrying capacity of the circuit
  • D. The rate at which electrons pass a given point

235. For a carbon composition resistor, typical resistance values range from

  • A. 2.7 Ω to 22 MΩ
  • B. 1000 Ω to 10000 Ω
  • C. 10 Ω to 10 MΩ
  • D. 2.7 Ω to 2.7 GΩ

236. A lead conductor has a resistance of 25 Ω at 0 ˚C. Determine its resistance at -30 ˚C

  • A. 22 Ω
  • B. 24 Ω
  • C. 12 Ω
  • D. 11 Ω

237. An impedance given by 90 -45˚ is a/an ___ impedance.

  • A. Inductive
  • B. Conductive
  • C. Resistive
  • D. Capacitive

238. If a coil has a Q of 10, it means that

  • A. The energy stored in the magnetic field of the coil is 10 times the energy wasted in its resistance
  • B. The energy wasted in its resistance is 10 times the energy stored in the magnetic field of the coil
  • C. It is a low Q coil
  • D. It is a high Q coil

239. What is the rms value of a square wave?

  • A. Equals its peak value
  • B. Equals its peak-to-peak value
  • C. Peak divided by square root of two
  • D. Peak divided by pi

240. The rms value of a triangular or sawtooth waveform is ___ times its peak value.

  • A. 0.577
  • B. 0.500
  • C. 0.25
  • D. 0.707

241. In a multiple capacitor, the plate area is

  • A. Increased
  • B. The same
  • C. Decreased
  • D. Variable

242. What is the time constant for L of 240 mH in series with R of 20 Ω?

  • A. 12 ms
  • B. 4.8 s
  • C. 83.3 s
  • D. 12 s

243. In an ac circuit, the power dissipated as heat depends on

  • A. Impedance
  • B. Capacitive reactance
  • C. Resistance
  • D. Inductive reactance

244. Which of the following dielectric materials makes the lowest-capacitance capacitor?

  • A. Paper
  • B. Mica
  • C. Air
  • D. Electrolyte

245. In adding or subtracting phasor quantities, ___ form is the most convenient.

  • A. Polar
  • B. Rectangular
  • C. Trigonometric
  • D. Exponential

246. In dividing or multiplying phasor quantities, ___ form is used.

  • A. Polar
  • B. Rectangular
  • C. Trigonometric
  • D. Exponential

247. The power factor of a circuit is equal to

  • A. RZ
  • B. XC/Z
  • C. XL/Z
  • D. R/Z

248. The capacitance of a capacitor is ___ relative permittivity.

  • A. Directly proportional to
  • B. Inversely proportional to
  • C. Equal to
  • D. Inversely proportional to the square of

249. If a multiplate capacitor has 10 plates, each of area 10 cm2, then

  • A. 10 capacitors will be in parallel
  • B. 10 capacitors will be in series
  • C. 9 capacitors will be in parallel
  • D. 9 capacitors will be in series

250. Of the equivalent combination of units, which one is not equal to watt?

  • A. Ω2/V
  • B. AV
  • C. A2Ω
  • D. J/s


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