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Monday, December 16, 2013

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQs Part III

Posted by Unknown at 11:52 PM
Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQS Part III

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in Atomic Structure
  • MCQs in Electric Charge
  • MCQs in Ohm's Law, Kirchoff Law, Coulomb's Law, etc
  • MCQs in Magnetic Power
  • MCQs in Magnetic Field and Magnetic Flux
  • MCQs in Magnetic and Electric Quantities / Units
  • MCQs in Magnetic/Electromagnet Principles

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI

Start with Part III of the MCQs Series

101. How many neutrons does a copper atom have?

  • A. 32
  • B. 33
  • C. 34
  • D. 29

102. Bonding of atoms that is due to the force of attraction between positive ions and a group of negative ions

  • A. Ionic bond
  • B. Covalent Bond
  • C. Electrostatic Bond
  • D. Metallic bond

103. An alloy of 22 percent iron and 78 per cent nickel.

  • A. Permalloy
  • B. Alnico
  • C. Constantan
  • D. Manganin

104. An alloy of 40 percent iron and 60 percent nickel.

  • A. Alnico
  • B. Permalloy
  • C. Hipernik
  • D. Manganin

105. A commercial alloy of aluminum nickel, and iron with cobalt, copper and titanium added to produce about 12 grades.

  • A. Alnico
  • B. Brass
  • C. Aluminum
  • D. Constantan

106. The idea of preventing one component from affecting another through their common electric and magnetic field is referred to as

  • A. Hall effect
  • B. Grounding
  • C. Shielding
  • D. Limiting

107. The physical motion resulting from the forces of magnetic fields is called

  • A. Motor action
  • B. Rotation
  • C. Repulsion
  • D. Torque action

108. Flux linkages equals

  • A. Flux times area of core
  • B. Flux times number of turns times area of core
  • C. Flux times number of turns times length of core
  • D. Flux times number of turns

109. Which of the following is a vector quantity?

  • A. Magnetic potential
  • B. Magnetic field intensity
  • C. Magnetic permeability
  • D. Flux density

110. Which of the following electric quantities is vector in character?

  • A. Field
  • B. Charge
  • C. Energy
  • D. Potential Difference

111. The quantity 106 maxwells is equivalent to one

  • A. Weber
  • B. Gauss
  • C. Gilbert
  • D. Tesla

112. What is the unit of reluctance?

  • A. Maxwell
  • B. Gauss
  • C. At/Wb
  • D. Weber

113. What is the SI unit of magnetic flux?

  • A. Tesla
  • B. Weber
  • C. Maxwell
  • D. Gauss

114. What is the unit of magnetomotive force?

  • A. Volt
  • B. Tesla
  • C. Ampere - turn
  • D. Weber

115. What is the cgs unit of magnetomotive force?

  • A. Gilbert
  • B. Ampere- turn
  • C. Maxwell
  • D. Weber

116. The unit of flux is _____ in cgs system.

  • A. Tesla
  • B. Gilbert
  • C. Maxwell
  • D. Oersted

117. Flux density is measured in

  • A. Tesla
  • B. Weber
  • C. Ampere- turn
  • D. Maxwell

118. The customary energy unit in atomic and nuclear physics is

  • A. Joule
  • B. Volt- coulomb
  • C. electron-volt
  • D. Walt- second

119. One ampere- turn is equivalent to _____ gilberts

  • A. 1.16
  • B. 1.26
  • C. 1.36
  • D. 1.46

120. The magnetic flux of 2000 lines is how many Maxwells?

  • A. 1000
  • B. 2000
  • C. 4000
  • D. 8000

121. How much is the flux in Weber in the above problem?

  • A. 2 x 10-5
  • B. 2 x 10-3
  • C. 2 x 105
  • D. 2 x 103

122. One oersted (Oe) is equivalent to _____ Gb/cm.

  • A. 1
  • B. 10
  • C. 100
  • D. 1000

123. One electron volt (1 eV) is equivalent to _____ joules

  • A. 1.3 x 10-19
  • B. 1.4 x 10-19
  • C. 1.5 x 10-19
  • D. 1.6 x 10-19

124. An electron- volt (eV) is a unit of

  • A. Energy
  • B. Potential difference
  • C. Charge
  • D. Momentum

125. The unit of electrical energy is

  • A. Joule
  • B. Watt- second
  • C. Kilowatt- hour
  • D. All of these

126. Electrons at the outer shell are called

  • A. Outer shell electrons
  • B. Inner shell electrons
  • C. Semiconductor electrons
  • D. Valence electrons

127. Which of the following has the least number of valence electrons?

  • A. Conductor
  • B. Semiconductor
  • C. Insulator
  • D. Semi- insulator

128. A good conductor has how many valence electrons?

  • A. 1
  • B. 4
  • C. 2
  • D. 8

129. Which element has four valence electrons?

  • A. Conductor
  • B. Insulator
  • C. Semiconductor
  • D. Semi- insulator

130. A negative ion results when an atom gains an additional

  • A. Electron
  • B. Proton
  • C. Neutron
  • D. Atom

131. An atom or a group of atoms that carries a net electric charge.

  • A. Positive ion
  • B. Negative ion
  • C. Ion
  • D. Electron

132. Hysteresis refers to the ______ between flux density of the material and the magnetizing force applied.

  • A. Leading effect
  • B. Ratio
  • C. Equality
  • D. Lagging effect

133. Hydrogen is an example of a _____ material.

  • A. Paramagnetic
  • B. Diamagnetic
  • C. Ferromagnetic
  • D. Non- magnetic

134. Cobalt is an example of a ______ material.

  • A. Paramagnetic
  • B. Diamagnetic
  • C. Ferromagnetic
  • D. Non- magnetic

135. The evaporation of electrons from a heated surface is called

  • A. Radiation
  • B. Convection
  • C. Thermionic emission
  • D. Conduction

136. Electron is a Greek word for

  • A. amber
  • B. Fire
  • C. Stone
  • D. Heat

137. Gases whose particles are charged are known as

  • A. Conductors
  • B. Insulators
  • C. Gaseous Conductors
  • D. Plasma

138. What principle states that each electron in an atom must have a different set of quantum numbers?

  • A. Inclusion principle
  • B. Exclusion principle
  • C. Quantum principle
  • D. Electron principle

139. The energy stored in an electrostatic field or electromagnetic field is called

  • A. Electromagnetic energy
  • B. Kinetic energy
  • C. Potential energy
  • D. Rest energy

40. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  • A. Silicon dioxide is a good
  • B. The current carriers in conductors are valence electrons
  • C. For conductors, the valence electron are strongly attracted to the nucleus
  • D. The valence electrons are located in the nucleus of an atom

141. How many electrons are needed in the valence orbit to give a material’s stability?

  • A. 8
  • B. 4
  • C. 6
  • D. 5

142. Residual magnetism refers to the flux density, which exists in the iron core when the magnetic field intensity is

  • A. Minimized
  • B. Reduced to zero
  • C. Maximize
  • D. Unity

143. Magnetic intensity is a

  • A. Phasor quantity
  • B. Physical quantity
  • C. Scalar quantity
  • D. Vector quantity

144. The core of a magnetic equipment uses a magnetic material with

  • A. Least permeability
  • B. Low permeability
  • C. Moderate permeability
  • D. High permeability

145. Which of the following is a paramagnetic material?

  • A. Carbon
  • B. Copper
  • C. Bismuth
  • D. Oxygen

146. The permeability of permalloy is

  • A. Very much greater than permeability of air
  • B. Slightly greater than permeability of air
  • C. Slightly less than permeability of air
  • D. Equal to the permeability of air

147. A t/m is a unit of

  • A. Mmf
  • B. Emf
  • C. Reluctance
  • D. Magnetizing force

148. The force between two magnetic poles is _____ their poles strength.

  • A. equal to
  • B. directly proportional to
  • C. inversely proportional to
  • D. directly proportional to the square root of

149. The magnetic energy stored in an inductor is ______ current.

  • A. Directly proportional to
  • B. Inversely proportional to
  • C. Directly proportional to the square of
  • D. Inversely proportional to the square of

150. One of the common application of an air- cored choke.

  • A. Radio frequency
  • B. Audio frequency
  • C. Power supply
  • D. Power transformer


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