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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQs Part II - Answers

Posted by Unknown at 11:40 PM
Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQS Part II - Answers

Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions in Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQS Part II

51. Relative permeability

52. Conductance

53. Retentivity

54. Residual magnetism

55. Coercivity

56. Leakage factor

57. Flux density

58. Intensity magnetization

59. Magnetic field intensity

60. Magnetic susceptibility

61. Hysteresis

62. Flux

63. Ferrites

64. Air gap

65. Permanent magnets

66. Terrestrial magnetism

67. Keeper

68. moving electric charge

69. Stationary electric charges

70. is uniform

71. Greatly increased

72. a current- carrying wire loop

73. Becomes weaker

74. a stationary electric charge

75. North

76. Diameter of the wire

77. Zero

78. 1/2

79. The shape of the loop

80. Low permeability

81. Slightly equal to one

82. Domain

83. Inversely proportional

84. The conductivity of the material for magnetic lines of force

85. Toroid

86. Curie temperature

87. Hall effect

88. Edison effect

89. Wiegand effect

90. Hall effect

91. Walt effect

92. Atom

93. Atoms

94. Hydrogen

95. Electron

96. Neutrons

97. 1.1 x 10-8

98. 2

99. 32, 32

50. 40

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI


For any Questions, Clarifications and any violent Reactions use the comment section below. I'll be much willing to assist you.

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