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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQs Part II

Posted by Unknown at 11:30 PM
Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals - MCQS Part II

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in Atomic Structure
  • MCQs in Electric Charge
  • MCQs in Ohm's Law, Kirchoff Law, Coulomb's Law, etc
  • MCQs in Magnetic Power
  • MCQs in Magnetic Field and Magnetic Flux
  • MCQs in Magnetic and Electric Quantities / Units
  • MCQs in Magnetic/Electromagnet Principles

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electricity and Magnetism Fundamentals MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI

Start with Part II of the MCQs Series

51. The ratio of the permeability of material to the permiabiity of air or vacuum.

  • A. Relative permeability
  • B. Relative permittivity
  • C. Relative conductivity
  • D. Relative reluctivity

52. Permeance is analogous to

  • A. Conductance
  • B. Reluctance
  • C. Admittance
  • D. Resistance

53. The property of magnetic materials of retaining magnetism after withdrawal of the magnetizing force is known as

  • A. Retentivity
  • B. Reluctivity
  • C. Resistivity
  • D. Conductivity

54. The quantity of magnetism retained by a magnetic material after withdrawal of the magnetizing force is called

  • A. Leftover magnetism
  • B. Hysteresis
  • C. Residual magnetism
  • D. Coercivity

55. The amount of magnetizing force to counter balance the residual magnetism of a magnetic material is referred to as

  • A. Reluctivity
  • B. Susceptivity
  • C. Coercivity
  • D. Retentivity

56. The ratio of the total flux (flux in iron path) to the useful flux (flux in air gap)

  • A. Leakage flux
  • B. Leakage current
  • C. Leakage coefficient
  • D. Leakage factor

57. Defined as the number of lines per unit area through any substance in a plane at right angles to the lines of force

  • A. Flux
  • B. Flux lines
  • C. Flux density
  • D. Flux intensity

58. Defined as the flux density produced in it due to its own induced magnetism

  • A. Magnetic field intensity
  • B. Electric field intensity
  • C. Electromagnetic field intensity
  • D. Intensity magnetization

59. The force acting on a unit n- pole placed at that point is called

  • A. Magnetic field intensity
  • B. Electric field intensity
  • C. Electromagnetic field intensity
  • D. Intensity magnetization

60. The ratio between the intensity of magnetization produced in a substance to the magnetizing force producing it

  • A. Magnetic Reluctivity
  • B. Magnetic Resistivity
  • C. Magnetic susceptibility
  • D. Magnetic conductivity

61. The lagging effect between flux density of the material and the magnetizing force applied

  • A. Permeance
  • B. Eddy current
  • C. Hysteresis
  • D. Reluctance

62. Refers to the magnetic lines

  • A. Flux
  • B. Hysteresis
  • C. Current
  • D. Magnetomotive force

63. Refers to the non- metallic materials that have the ferromagnetic properties of iron.

  • A. Ferrites
  • B. Ferromagnetic
  • C. Diamagnetic
  • D. Paramagnetic

64. The air space between poles of magnets

  • A. Air gap
  • B. Free space
  • C. Vacuum
  • D. Atmosphere

65. One that has magnetic poles produced by internal atomic structure with no external current necessary

  • A. Diamagnetic
  • B. Permanent magnets
  • C. Paramagnetic
  • D. Electromagnetic

66. Magnetic effects of the earth as a huge magnet with north and south poles.

  • A. Diamagnetic
  • B. Ferromagnetic
  • C. Terrestrial magnetism
  • D. Terrestrial ferromagnetism

67. Used to maintain strength of magnetic field

  • A. Container
  • B. Air gap
  • C. Keeper
  • D. Source

68. All magnetic field originates from

  • A. moving electric charge
  • B. Iron atoms
  • C. Magnetic domain
  • D. Permanent magnets

69. Magnetic fields do not interact with

  • A. Moving permanent magnets
  • B. Stationary permanent magnets
  • C. Moving electric charges
  • D. Stationary electric charges

70. The magnetic field inside a solenoid

  • A. is zero
  • B. is uniform
  • C. increases with distance from the axis
  • D. decreases with distance from the axis

71. When the ferromagnetic substance is inserted in a current- carrying solenoid, the magnetic field is

  • A. Greatly decreased
  • B. Greatly increased
  • C. Slightly decreased
  • D. Slightly increased

72. The magnetic field of a bar magnet most closely resembles the magnetic field of

  • A. a horseshoe magnet
  • B. a straight current- carrying wire
  • C. a stream of electrons moving parallel to one another
  • D. a current- carrying wire loop

73. The magnetic field of a magnetized iron bar when strongly heated

  • A. Becomes weaker
  • B. Becomes stronger
  • C. Reverses in direction
  • D. is unchanged

74. A permanent magnet does not exert a force on

  • A. an unmagnetized iron bar
  • B. a magnetized iron bar
  • C. a moving electric charge
  • D. a stationary electric charge

75. A current if flowing east along a power line. If the earth’s field is neglected, the direction of the magnetic field below it is

  • A. North
  • B. South
  • C. East
  • D. West

76. The emf produced in a wire by its motion across a magnetic field does not depend upon the

  • A. Diameter of the wire
  • B. Length of the wire
  • C. Orientation of the wire
  • D. Flux density of the field

77. The induced emf in a wire loop that is moved parallel to a uniform magnetic field is

  • A. Zero
  • B. Dependent on the area of the loop
  • C. Dependent on the shape of the loop
  • D. Dependent on the magnitude of the field

78. When a wire loop is rotated in a magnetic field the direction of the induced emf changes one in every _______ revolution

  • A. 1/3
  • B. 1/2
  • C. 1/4
  • D. 2/3

79. The magnetic flux through a wire loop in a magnetic field does not depend on

  • A. The area of the loop
  • B. The magnitude of the field
  • C. The shape of the loop
  • D. The angle between the plane of the loop and the direction

80. Steel is hard to magnetize because of its

  • A. Low permeability
  • B. High permeability
  • C. High density
  • D. High retentivity

81. Paramagnetic substance has a relative permeability of

  • A. Slightly less than one
  • B. Equal to one
  • C. Slightly equal to one
  • D. Very much greater than one

82. A group of magnetically aligned atoms is called

  • A. Range
  • B. Lattice
  • C. Domain
  • D. Crystal

83. The force between two magnetic poles varies with the distance between them. The variation is ______ to the square of that distance.

  • A. Equal
  • B. Greater than
  • C. Directly proportional
  • D. Inversely proportional

84. Permeability means

  • A. The conductivity of the material for magnetic lines of force
  • B. The magnetization test in the material after exciting field has been removed
  • C. The strength of an electromagnet
  • D. The strength of the permanent magnet

85. ______ is an electromagnet with its core in the form of a close magnetic ring.

  • A. Solenoid
  • B. Paraboloid
  • C. Toroid
  • D. Cycloid

86. A magnetic material losses its ferromagnetic properties at a point called

  • A. Curie temperature
  • B. Inferred absolute temperature
  • C. Room temperature
  • D. Absolute temperature

87. Small voltages generated by a conductor with current in an external magnetic field.

  • A. Skin effect
  • B. Magnetic effect
  • C. Hall effect
  • D. Flywheel Effect

88. The emission of electrons from hot bodies is called

  • A. Radiation effect
  • B. Edison effect
  • C. Skin effect
  • D. Half effect

89. The ability of a mechanically stressed ferromagnetic wire to recognize rapid switching of magnetization when subjected to a dc magnetic field.

  • A. Wartheim effect
  • B. Wiedemann effect
  • C. Wiegand effect
  • D. Edison effect

90. An effect which is generally used in the gausameter to measure flux density.

  • A. Skin effect
  • B. Magnetic effect
  • C. Hall effect
  • D. Flywheel effect

91. The contribution to the ionization in an ionization chamber by electrons liberated from the walls.

  • A. Skin effect
  • B. Walt effect
  • C. Hall effect
  • D. Edison effect

92. The tiniest element of matter

  • A. Atom
  • B. Proton
  • C. Electron
  • D. Neutron

93. All matters (gas, liquid and solid) are composed of

  • A. Neutrons
  • B. Particles
  • C. Electrons
  • D. Atoms

94. The simplest type of atom to exist is the ______ atom.

  • A. Helium
  • B. Hydrogen
  • C. Boron
  • D. Oxygen

95. What revolves about the positive nucleus in a definite orbit?

  • A. Atom
  • B. Proton
  • C. Electron
  • D. Neutron

96. The uncharged particles which have no effect on its atomic charge.

  • A. Nucleons
  • B. Electrons
  • C. Protons
  • D. Neutrons

97. The diameter of a hydrogen atom is approximately ______ cm.

  • A. 1.1 x 10-6
  • B. 1.1 x 10-7
  • C. 1.1 x 10-8
  • D. 1.1 x 10-9

98. The K shell or the first shell has how many permissible number of orbiting electrons?

  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 3
  • D. 4

99. Germanium atom has ______ protons and ______ electrons.

  • A. 32, 32
  • B. 32, 42
  • C. 42, 32
  • D. 34, 34

100. A germanium atom has an atomic weight of 72. How many neutrons are there?

  • A. 32
  • B. 40
  • C. 34
  • D. 36


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