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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Subject: Analytic Geometry

Posted by Unknown at 6:57 PM
Analytic Geometry Lecture

Course Name


Course Description

  • Equations of lines and conic sections; curve tracing in both rectangular and polar coordinates in two-dimensional space.


  • College Algebra
  • Plane and Spherical Trigonometry

Course Objectives

After completing this course, the student must be able to:

  • 1. Set up equations given enough properties of lines and conics;
  • 2. Draw the graph of the given equation of the line and the equation of the conic section; and
  • 3. Analyze and trace completely the curve, given their equations in both rectangular and polar coordinates, in two-dimensional space.

Analytic Geometry Course Outline

Following is the list of topics we will discuss in this course:

I. Plane Analytic Geometry

Suggested References

Fuller, Gordon and Dalton Tarwater. Analytic Geometry, 7th ed. AddisonWesley,1993. Protter, Murray H. and Philip E. Protter. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 4th ed. Quirino and Mijares. Plane and Analytic Geometry, 2nd ed. Riddle, Douglas F. Analytic Geometry, 6th ed. Swokowski, Earl W. and Jeffrey A. Cole. Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry, 10th ed. Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 2001. Analytic Geometry (Made Easy) Felipe L. Commandante, Jr
credit: CMO 29 s2007©2013
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