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Monday, March 31, 2014

Subject: Data Communications

Posted by Unknown at 2:44 PM
Data Communications Lecture

Course Name


Course Description

  • Data communication systems; terminals, modems; terminal control units; multiplexers; concentrators; front-end processors; common carrier services; data communication system design; computer network models; TCP/IP principles; LAN; WAN; sample case studies


  • Digital Communications

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, the student must be able to conceptualize, analyze and design a data communication system.

  • 1. Introduction to Data Communications
  • 2. Category of Data Communication
  • 3. Configurations and Network Topology
  • 4. Transmission Modes
  • 5. Two-wire vs. Four Wire Circuits
  • 6. Types of Synchronization
  • 7. Network Components (Terminal, multiplexer, concentrators)
  • 8. Network Components (LCU,FEP,Serial Interface)
  • 9. Security
  • 10. Cryptography
  • 11. Open System Interconnection
  • 12. System Network Architecture
  • 13. TCP/IP Architecture
  • 14. Character-Oriented Protocols
  • 15. Bit-Oriented Protocols
  • 17. ISDN/B-ISDN

Data Communications Course Outline

Following is the list of topics we will discuss in this course:

Data Communications
LESSON 2: Network Models
LESSON 8: Switching
LESSON 12: Multiple Access
LESSON 14: Wireless LANs

Suggested References

Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz A. Forouzan
credit: CMO 29 s2007©2013
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