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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers - MCQs Answers

Posted by Unknown at 5:44 PM
Answers key for  Floyd's Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers
Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) in Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers .

1. effectively shorts

2. to maximize amplifier gain

3. to reduce the effects of r'e

4. common-collector amplifier

5. emitter

6. the difference of the two input voltages

7. two inputs and two outputs

8. 3.125 Ω

9. 3.7 V

10. 6 mA

11. 5 V

12. 50 kΩ

13. 3.77 kΩ

14. 5

15. 416 Ω

16. 378 Ω

17. 600

18. 12 mV

19. an open C2.

20. an open base-emitter of Q1

21. a low voltage gain and a high input impedance

22. common-emitter

23. re

24. high, high, high, low

25. replace coupling and bypass capacitors with opens

26. decreases

27. high, high, low

28. multiplication, increased

29. sum of dB voltage gains

30. hre / hoe

31. less input voltage is needed to turn it on.

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credit: Thomas L. Floyd©2013
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