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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Network Security - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 2:08 PM
MCQs for Network Security

Topic Outline

  • Message Confidentiality
    • Confidentiality with Symmetric-Key Cryptography
    • Confidentiality with Asymmetric-Key Cryptography
  • Message Integrity
    • Document and Fingerprint
    • Message and Message Digest
    • Difference
    • Creating and Checking the Digest
    • Hash Function Criteria
    • Hash Algorithms: SHA-1
    • MAC
  • Message Nonrepudiation
    • Symmetric-Key Distribution
    • Public-Key Distribution

Begin and Good luck!

1. Message_____ means that the data must arrive at the receiver exactly as sent.

  • A)            confidentiality
  • B)            integrity
  • C)            authentication
  • D)            none of the above

2. Message _______ means that the receiver is ensured that the message is coming from the intended sender, not an imposter.

  • A)            confidentiality
  • B)            integrity
  • C)            authentication
  • D)            none of the above

3. A(n) ________function creates a message digest out of a message.

  • A)            encryption
  • B)            decryption
  • C)            hash
  • D)            none of the above

4. The secret key between members needs to be created as a ______ key when two members contact KDC.

  • A)            public
  • B)            session
  • C)            complimentary
  • D)            none of the above

5. The ________ criterion ensures that a message cannot easily be forged.

  • A)            one-wayness
  • B)            weak-collision-resistance
  • C)            strong-collision-resistance
  • D)            none of the above

6. A(n) _____ is a trusted third party that assigns a symmetric key to two parties.

  • A)            KDC
  • B)            CA
  • C)            KDD
  • D)            none of the above

7. A witness used in entity authentication is ____________.

  • A)            something known
  • B)            something possessed
  • C)            something inherent
  • D)            all of the above

8. A _______ message digest is used as an MDC.

  • A)            keyless
  • B)            keyed
  • C)            either (a) or (b)
  • D)            neither (a) nor (b)

9. A(n)______ creates a secret key only between a member and the center.

  • A)            CA
  • B)            KDC
  • C)            KDD
  • D)            none of the above

10. ________ means to prove the identity of the entity that tries to access the system's resources.

  • A)            Message authentication
  • B)            Entity authentication
  • C)            Message confidentiality
  • D)            none of the above

11. A ________ signature is included in the document; a _______ signature is a separate entity.

  • A)             conventional; digital
  • B)             digital; digital
  • C)             either (a) or (b)
  • D)             neither (a) nor (b)

12. If _________ is needed, a cryptosystem must be applied over the scheme.

  • A)             integrity
  • B)             confidentiality
  • C)             nonrepudiation
  • D)             authentication

13. Digital signature provides ________.

  • A)             authentication
  • B)             nonrepudiation
  • C)             both (a) and (b)
  • D)             neither (a) nor (b)

14. Digital signature cannot provide ________ for the message.

  • A)             integrity
  • B)             confidentiality
  • C)             nonrepudiation
  • D)             authentication

15. To authenticate the data origin, one needs a(n) _______.

  • A)             MDC
  • B)             MAC
  • C)             either (a) or (b)
  • D)             neither (a) nor (b)

16. A(n) _________ can be used to preserve the integrity of a document or a message.

  • A)             message digest
  • B)             message summary
  • C)             encrypted message
  • D)             none of the above

17. Challenge-response authentication can be done using ________.

  • A)             symmetric-key ciphers
  • B)             asymmetric-key ciphers
  • C)             keyed-hash functions
  • D)             all of the above

18. The _______criterion ensures that we cannot find two messages that hash to the same digest.

  • A)             one-wayness
  • B)             weak-collision-resistance
  • C)             strong-collision-resistance
  • D)             none of the above

19. A digital signature needs a(n)_________ system.

  • A)             symmetric-key
  • B)             asymmetric-key
  • C)             either (a) or (b)
  • D)             neither (a) nor (b)

20. A(n) ________is a federal or state organization that binds a public key to an entity and issues a certificate.

  • A)             KDC
  • B)             Kerberos
  • C)             CA
  • D)             none of the above

21. Message ________ means that the sender and the receiver expect privacy.

  • A)             confidentiality
  • B)             integrity
  • C)             authentication
  • D)             none of the above

22. In ________ authentication, the claimant proves that she knows a secret without actually sending it.

  • A)             password-based
  • B)             challenge-response
  • C)             either (a) or (b)
  • D)             neither (a) nor (b)

23. In _______, a claimant proves her identity to the verifier by using one of the three kinds of witnesses.

  • A)             message authentication
  • B)             entity authentication
  • C)             message confidentiality
  • D)             message integrity

24. The _______ criterion states that it must be extremely difficult or impossible to create the message if the message digest is given.

  • A)             one-wayness
  • B)             weak-collision-resistance
  • C)             strong-collision-resistance
  • D)             none of the above

25. A(n) ______ is a hierarchical system that answers queries about key certification.

  • A)             KDC
  • B)             PKI
  • C)             CA
  • D)             none of the above

26. _________ means that a sender must not be able to deny sending a message that he sent.

  • A)             Confidentiality
  • B)             Integrity
  • C)             Authentication
  • D)             Nonrepudiation

27. A hash function must meet ________ criteria.

  • A)             two
  • B)             three
  • C)             four
  • D)             none of the above

28. __________ is a popular session key creator protocol that requires an authentication server and a ticket-granting server.

  • A)             KDC
  • B)             Kerberos
  • C)             CA
  • D)             none of the above

29. Password-based authentication can be divided into two broad categories: _______ and _______.

  • A)             fixed; variable
  • B)             time-stamped; fixed
  • C)             fixed; one-time
  • D)             none of the above

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credit: Behrouz A. Forouzan©2013
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