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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Semiconductor Diodes – MCQs Answers

Posted by Unknown at 10:27 AM
Answers key for Semiconductor Diodes
Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) in Semiconductor Diodes .

1. 2

2. 0

3. An open circuit

4. All of the above

5. open

6. All of the above

7. 32

8. 4

9. 1.6 × 10–19

10. All of the above

11. 5

12. Forward bias

13. mA

14. Si diodes have higher PIV and wider temperature ranges than Ge diodes.

15. True

16. 25

17. 28 mA

18. 2

19. False

20. simplified

21. 28 mW

22. depletion

23. Diffusion

24. Very high frequency

25. 3 pF

26. All of the above

27. An open diode

28. Any of the above

29. 5.34 V

30. 0.0267

31. All of the above

32. 150 mW

33. Candela

34. 1.7 – 3.3 V

35. 1.7 – 3.3 V


1. diode

2. resistivity

3. neutrons, protons

4. substantial increase

5. negative temperature

6. a higher

7. 5

8. electron

9. 3

10. µA

11. shrinks

12. exponential

13. All of the above

14. double

15. in parallel

16. lower, higher

17. doping levels

18. 0.25

19. the less the

20. 0, 90

21. All of the above

22. a few nanoseconds

23. reciprocal of the slope

24. smaller than

25. increases

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credit: Robert L. Boylestad©2013
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