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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Diode Applications – MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 12:47 PM
MCQs for Diode Applications

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in Load-Line Analysis
  • MCQs in Diode Approximations
  • MCQs in Series Diode Configurations with DC Inputs
  • MCQs in Parallel and Series-Parallel Configurations
  • MCQs in AND/OR Gates
  • MCQs in Sinusoidal Inputs; Half-Wave Rectification
  • MCQs in Full-Wave Rectification
  • MCQs in Clippers
  • MCQs in Clampers
  • MCQs in Zener Diodes
  • MCQs in Voltage-Multiplier Circuits

Begin and Good luck!

1. Use the information provided here to determine the value of IDQ.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 01

  • A)    0 mA
  • B)    4.3 mA
  • C)    5 mA
  • D)    10 mA

2. In a particular problem, which mode has the highest level of IDQ?

  • A)    Ideal
  • B)    Approximate equivalent
  • C)    Exact mode using characteristic curve
  • D)    None of the above

3. Which diode(s) has (have) a zero level current and voltage drop in the ideal model?

  • A)    Si
  • B)    Ge
  • C)    Both Si and Ge
  • D)    Neither Si nor Ge

4. Determine the current level if E = 15 V and R = 3 kΩ.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 02

  • A)    0 A
  • B)    4.76 mA
  • C)    5 mA
  • D)    5 A

5. Determine the voltage across the resistor.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 03

  • A)    0 V
  • B)    0.09 V
  • C)    0.2 V
  • D)    0.44 V

6. Determine the value of the load resistor.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 04

  • A)    RL = 5 kΩ
  • B)    RL = 5.5 kΩ
  • C)    RL = 6 kΩ
  • D)    None of the above

7. Determine ID.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 05

  • A)    0 mA
  • B)    1.893 mA
  • C)    2.036 mA
  • D)    2.143 mA

8. Determine V2.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 06

  • A)    3.201 V
  • B)    0 V
  • C)    4.3 V
  • D)    1.371 V

9. A diode is in the "_____" state if the current established by the applied sources is such that its direction matches that of the arrow in the diode symbol, and VD ≥ 0.7 V for Si and VD ≥ 0.3 V for Ge.

  • A)    off
  • B)    on
  • C)    neutral
  • D)    quiescent

10. An open circuit can have any voltage across its terminals, but the current is always _____.

  • A)    5 A
  • B)    0 A
  • C)    1 A
  • D)    ∞

11. A short circuit has a _____ drop across its terminals, and the current is limited only by the surrounding network.

  • A)    5 V
  • B)    0 V
  • C)    1 V
  • D)    ∞

12. Determine ID2.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 07

  • A)    29.40 mA
  • B)    30.30 mA
  • C)    14.70 mA
  • D)    None of the above

13. Determine ID1.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 08

  • A)    0 mA
  • B)    29.40 mA
  • C)    14.70 mA
  • D)    14.09 mA

14. Determine ID2.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 09

  • A)    6.061 mA
  • B)    0.7 mA
  • C)    3.393 mA
  • D)    3.571 mA

15. Determine the current through each diode if E1 = E2 = 0 V.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 10

  • A)    4.65 mA
  • B)    9.3 mA
  • C)    18.6 mA
  • D)    0.7 mA

16. Determine Vo if E1 = E2 = 10 V.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 11

  • A)    9.3 V
  • B)    10 V
  • C)    –10 V
  • D)    0 V

17. What is the logic function of this circuit?

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 12

  • A)    Positive logic AND gate
  • B)    Positive logic OR gate
  • C)    Negative logic AND gate
  • D)    Negative logic OR gate

18. What is the logic function of this circuit?

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 13

  • A)    Positive logic AND gate
  • B)    Positive logic OR gate
  • C)    Negative logic AND gate
  • D)    Negative logic OR gate

19. What best describes the circuit?

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 14

  • A)    Full-wave rectifier
  • B)    Half-wave rectifier
  • C)    Clipper
  • D)    Clamper

20. Determine the peak value of the current through the load resistor.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 15

  • A)    2.325 mA
  • B)    5 mA
  • C)    1.25 mA
  • D)    0 mA

21. Determine the average value of the current through the load resistor.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 16

  • A)    2.5 mA
  • B)    0 mA
  • C)    1.37 mA
  • D)    1.479 mA

22. What best describes the circuit?

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 16

  • A)     Full-wave rectifier
  • B)    Half-wave rectifier
  • C)    Clipper
  • D)    Clamper

23. List the categories of clippers.

  • A)    Series
  • B)    Parallel
  • C)    Series and parallel
  • D)    None of the above

24. Determine the peak value of the output waveform.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 17

  • A)    25 V
  • B)    15 V
  • C)    –25 V
  • D)    –15 V

25. Determine the peak for both half cycles of the output waveform.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 18

  • A)    16 V, –4 V
  • B)    16 V, 4 V
  • C)    –16 V, 4 V
  • D)    –16 V, –4 V

26. What best describes the circuit?

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 19

  • A)    Full-wave rectifier
  • B)    Half-wave rectifier
  • C)    Clipper
  • D)    Clamper

27. Determine the total discharge time for the capacitor in a clamper having C = 0.01 µF and R = 500 kΩ.

  • A)    5 ms
  • B)    25 ms
  • C)    2.5 ms
  • D)    50 ms

28. Calculate IL and IZ.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 20

  • A)    2 mA, 0 mA
  • B)    4 mA, 2 mA
  • C)    2 mA, 2 mA
  • D)    2 mA, 4 mA

29. With this Zener diode in its "on state," what is the level of IZ for the maximum load resistance?

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 21

  • A)    0 mA
  • B)    Undefined
  • C)    Equal to IRL
  • D)    IZM

30. In a voltage regulator network with fixed RL and R, what element dictates the minimum level of source voltage?

  • A)    VZ
  • B)    IZ
  • C)    IZM
  • D)    None of the above

31. Which element dictates the maximum level of source voltage?

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 22

  • A)    VZ
  • B)    IZM
  • C)    IZ
  • D)    None of the above

32. What is the peak inverse voltage across each diode in a voltage doubler?

  • A)    Vm
  • B)    2Vm
  • C)    0.5Vm
  • D)    0.25Vm

33. What is the voltage measured from the negative terminal of C4 to the negative terminal of the transformer?

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 23

  • A)    –10 V
  • B)    –20 V
  • C)    10 V
  • D)    20 V

34. In a voltage-multiplier circuit, the number of diodes is directly proportional to the multiplicative voltage factor.

  • A)    True
  • B)    False

35. Rectifiers are commonly used in battery chargers.

  • A)    True
  • B)    False

Fill-in-the-blanks Questions

1. The intersection of the load line with the characteristic curve determines the _____ of the system.

  • A)    point of operation
  • B)    load-line analysis
  • C)    characteristic curve
  • D)    forward bias

2. The slope of the load line depends on the _____.

  • A)    type of the diode used
  • B)    characteristic curve
  • C)    load resistor
  • D)    source voltage

3. The load line is defined by the _____ and a characteristic curve is defined by the _____.

  • A)    quiescent point, device
  • B)    device, network
  • C)    network, device
  • D)    None of the above

4. The quiescent point (Q-point) is defined by a(n) _____.

  • A)    ac network
  • B)    dc network
  • C)    ac and dc network
  • D)    None of the above

5. The x-intercept of the load line with the characteristic curve is determined by the _____.

  • A)    load resistor
  • B)    diode
  • C)    source voltage and the load resistor
  • D)    source voltage

6. The source voltage must be _____ the voltage drop across the diode to conduct the diode.

  • A)    larger than
  • B)    smaller than
  • C)    the same as
  • D)    None of the above

7. As the load resistor increases, the slope of the dc load line and the levels of diode current _____.

  • A)    increase
  • B)    decrease
  • C)    remain unchanged
  • D)    are unpredictable

8. A germanium diode is approximated by _____ equivalent for voltages less than 0.3 V.

  • A)    a short circuit
  • B)    a series circuit
  • C)    a parallel circuit
  • D)    an open circuit

9. A diode is in the _____ state if the current established by the applied sources is such that its direction matches that of the arrow in the diode symbol and VD > 0.7 V.

  • A)    off
  • B)    reverse bias
  • C)    on
  • D)    transition

10. The combination of a short circuit in series with an open circuit always results in a(n) _____ circuit.

  • A)    open
  • B)    short
  • C)    neither short nor open
  • D)    unknown

11. The absence of the Si or Ge and VD label on a diode denotes _____ notation.

  • A)    approximate model
  • B)    ideal model
  • C)    exact model
  • D)    None of the above

12. The process of removing one-half the input signal to establish a dc level is called _____.

  • A)    rectifier
  • B)    full-wave rectifier
  • C)   half-wave rectifier
  • D)    filtering

13. The dc voltage level of a silicon diode is _____ its ideal model.

  • A)    smaller than
  • B)    larger than
  • C)    the same as
  • D)    None of the above

14. The PIV rating of the diodes in a full-wave rectifier must be larger than _____ Vm.

  • A)    0.318
  • B)    0.636
  • C)    2
  • D)    1

15. For the ideal diode the transition between states will occur at the point on the characteristic curve when VD = _____ V and ID = _____ A.

  • A)    0.3, 0
  • B)    0, 0
  • C)    0.7, 0
  • D)    0.7, 0.3

16. A clamping network must have _____.

  • A)    a capacitor
  • B)    a diode
  • C)    a resistive element
  • D)    All of the above

17. The ratio of the total swing of the output of a clamper to its input total swing is _____.

  • A)    1
  • B)    2
  • C)    0.5
  • D)    0

18. For the "off" state of a Zener diode, the voltage across the diode should be _____.

  • A)    greater than VZ
  • B)    zero
  • C)    less than VZ but greater than zero
  • D)    None of the above

19. Once the Zener diode is in the "on" state, VZ is always _____ VL.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 24

  • A)    larger than
  • B)    smaller than
  • C)    the same as
  • D)    None of the above

20. Zener diodes are used in regulator networks to _____.

  • A)    generate voltage
  • B)    consume power
  • C)    maintain a fixed voltage across the load resistor
  • D)    protect the load

21. With the Zener diode in the "on" state, increasing IL will _____ IZ and _____IR.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 25

  • A)    decrease, increase
  • B)    increase, decrease
  • C)    decrease, keep the same level of
  • D)    increase, keep the same level of

22. A Zener diode is in a _____ impedance region in the forward bias while it has a _____ impedance region in the reverse bias.

  • A)    very large, low
  • B)    very large, very large
  • C)    low, low
  • D)    low, very large

23. In a half-wave voltage doubler, the voltage across output capacitor C2 drops across the load during the _____ half cycle and the capacitor is recharged up to _____ during the _____ half cycle.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 26

  • A)    negative, 2Vm, positive
  • B)    positive, Vm, negative
  • C)    positive, 2Vm, negative
  • D)    negative, Vm, positive

24. The full-wave voltage doubler provides _____ filtering action than (as) the half-wave voltage doubler.

  • A)    better
  • B)    poorer
  • C)    the same
  • D)    None of the above

25. In this voltage multiplier, measuring from the top of the transformer winding will provide _____ multiples of Vm at the output, whereas measuring the output voltage from the bottom of the transformer will provide _____ multiples of the peak Vm.

MCQs in Diode Applications fig. 27

  • A)    odd, even
  • B)    even, odd
  • C)    odd, odd
  • D)    even, even

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Note: Check your works. Diode Applications - MCQs Answers

credit: Robert L. Boylestad©2013
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