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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Special-Purpose Diodes - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 11:19 AM
MCQs for Special-Purpose Diodes

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in The Zener Diode
  • MCQs in Zener Diode Applications
  • MCQs in The Varactor Diode
  • MCQs in Optical Diodes
  • MCQs in Other Types of Diodes
  • MCQs in GreenTech Application 3: Solar Power

Begin and Good luck!

1. The process of emitting photons from a semiconductive material is called

  • A) photoluminescence.
  • B) gallium arsenide.
  • C) electroluminescence.
  • D) gallium phosphide.

2. The normal operating region for a zener diode is the

  • A) forward-bias region.
  • B) reverse-bias region.
  • C) zero-crossing region.
  • D) reverse-breakdown region.

3. Schottky diodes are also known as

  • A) PIN diodes.
  • B) hot carrier diodes.
  • C) step-recovery diodes.
  • D) tunnel diodes.

4. A laser diode normally emits

  • A) coherent light.
  • B) monochromatic light.
  • C) coherent and monochromatic light.
  • D) neither coherent nor monochromatic light.

5. An 8.2 V zener has a resistance of 5 Ω. The actual voltage across its terminals when the current is 25 mA is

  • A) 8.2 V.
  • B) 125 mV.
  • C) 8.325 V.
  • D) 8.075 V.

6. A 6.2 V zener is rated at 1 watt. The maximum safe current the zener can carry is

  • A) 1.61 A.
  • B) 161 mA.
  • C) 16.1 mA.
  • D) 1.61 mA.

7. Refer to Figure 3-1. If the load current increases, IR will _____ and IZ will _____.

MCQs in Special-Purpose Diodes Fig. 01

Figure 3-1

  • A) remain the same, increase
  • B) decrease, remain the same
  • C) increase, remain the same
  • D) remain the same, decrease

8. Refer to Figure 3-1. If VIN attempts to increase, VR will

  • A) increase.
  • B) decrease.
  • C) remain the same.

9. Refer to Figure 3-1. If VIN increases, IZ will

  • A) increase.
  • B) decrease.
  • C) remain the same.

10. Refer to Figure 3-1. If VIN decreases, IR will

  • A) increase.
  • B) decrease.
  • C) remain the same.

11. Refer to Figure 3-2. Identify the Schottky diode.

MCQs in Special-Purpose Diodes Fig. 02

Figure 3-2

  • A) a
  • B) b
  • C) c
  • D) d
  • E) e

12. Refer to Figure 3-2. Which symbol is correct for a zener diode?

  • A) a
  • B) b
  • C) c
  • D) d
  • E) e

13. Refer to Figure 3-2. Find the tunnel diode symbol.

  • A) a
  • B) b
  • C) c
  • D) d
  • E) e

14. Refer to Figure 3-2. Which symbol is correct for a photodiode?

  • A) a
  • B) b
  • C) c
  • D) d
  • E) e

15. Refer to Figure 3-2. Which symbol is correct for an LED?

  • A) a
  • B) b
  • C) c
  • D) d
  • E) e

16. An LED is forward-biased. The diode should be on, but no light is showing. A possible trouble might be

  • A) the diode is open.
  • B) the series resistor is too small.
  • C) none. The diode should be off if forward-biased.
  • D) the power supply voltage is too high.

17. The Schottky diode is used

  • A) in high-power circuits.
  • B) in circuits requiring negative resistance.
  • C) in very fast-switching circuits.
  • D) in power supply rectifiers.

18. A tunnel diode is used

  • A) in high-power circuits.
  • B) in circuits requiring negative resistance.
  • C) in very fast-switching circuits.
  • D) in power supply rectifiers.

19. You have an application for a diode to be used in a tuning circuit. A type of diode to use might be

  • A) an LED.
  • B) a Schottky diode.
  • C) a Gunn diode.
  • D) a varactor.

20. Zener diodes with breakdown voltages less than 5 V operate predominantly in what type of breakdown?

  • A) avalanche
  • B) zener
  • C) varactor
  • D) Schottky

21. Zener diodes with breakdown voltages greater than 5 V operate predominantly in what type of breakdown?

  • A) avalanche
  • B) zener
  • C) varactor
  • D) Schottky

22. What type of diode is commonly used in electronic tuners in TVs?

  • A) varactor
  • B) Schottky
  • C) LED
  • D) Gunn

23. A varactor is a pn junction diode that always operates in _____-bias and is doped to _____ the inherent capacitance of the depletion region.

  • A) forward, maximize
  • B) reverse, maximize
  • C) reverse, minimize
  • D) forward, minimize

24. LEDs are made out of

  • A) silicon.
  • B) germanium.
  • C) gallium.
  • D) silicon and germanium, but not gallium.

25. What type of diode maintains a constant current?

  • A) LED
  • B) zener
  • C) current regulator
  • D) pin
  • E) none of the above

26. What diode operates only with majority carriers?

  • A) laser
  • B) tunnel
  • C) Schottky
  • D) step-recovery

27. What kind of diode is formed by joining a doped semiconductor region with a metal?

  • A) laser
  • B) tunnel
  • C) pin
  • D) Schottky

28. Which diode employs graded doping?

  • A) zener
  • B) LED
  • C) tunnel
  • D) step-recovery

29. What diode is used in seven-segment displays?

  • A) zener
  • B) LED
  • C) laser
  • D) Schottky

30. Back-to-back varactor diodes are used for what reason?

  • A) over-voltage protection
  • B) a wider tuning range
  • C) to eliminate harmonic distortion
  • D) no reason; only zeners are used in a back-to-back configuration

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Note: Check your works. Special-Purpose Diodes - MCQs Answers

credit: Thomas L. Floyd©2013
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