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Friday, January 4, 2013

Network Models - Set 1 MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 9:02 PM
Multiple choice questions for Network Models - Set 1
It's nice to see you here. I know you are excited to take the exam but before you start make sure you reviewed the refresher summary of this topic Network Models.

Begin and Good luck!
  1. The ______ layer adds a header to the packet coming from the upper layer that includes the logical addresses of the sender and receiver.
    • A)   data link
    • B)   network
    • C)   physical
    • D)   none of the above
  2. Which of the following is an application layer service?
    • A)   File transfer and access
    • B)   Mail service
    • C)   Remote log-in
    • D)   All the above
  3. When data are transmitted from device A to device B, the header from A's layer 4 is read by B's _______ layer.
    • A)   Transport
    • B)   Application
    • C)   Physical
    • D)   None of the above
  4. __________ provides full transport layer services to applications.
    • A)   UDP
    • B)   TCP
    • C)   ARP
    • D)   none of the above
  5. The process-to-process delivery of the entire message is the responsibility of the _______ layer.
    • A)   Transport
    • B)   Application
    • C)   Physical
    • D)   Network
  6. The ______ layer is responsible for moving frames from one hop (node) to the next.
    • A)   transport
    • B)   data link
    • C)   physical
    • D)   none of the above
  7. The _______ layer is responsible for delivering data units from one station to the next without errors.
    • A)   physical
    • B)   data link
    • C)   transport
    • D)   network
  8. The session, presentation, and application layers are the ____ support layers.
    • A)   user
    • B)   network
    • C)   both (a) and (b)
    • D)   neither (a) nor (b)
  9. The physical, data link, and network layers are the ______ support layers.
    • A)   network
    • B)   user
    • C)   both (a) and (b)
    • D)   neither (a) nor (b)
  10. The ________ layer is responsible for the process-to-process delivery of the entire message.
    • A)   transport
    • B)   physical
    • C)   network
    • D)   data link
  11. The _______ layer lies between the network layer and the application layer.
    • A)   Data link
    • B)   Transport
    • C)   Physical
    • D)   None of the above
  12. The Internetworking Protocol (IP) is a ________ protocol.
    • A)   connection-oriented
    • B)   reliable
    • C)   both a and b
    • D)   none of the above
  13. The _______ layer links the network support layers and the user support layers.
    • A)   session
    • B)   transport
    • C)   data link
    • D)   network
  14. ICMPv6 includes _______.
    • A)   IGMP
    • B)   ARP
    • C)   RARP
    • D)   a and b
  15. The ____ address uniquely defines a host on the Internet.
    • A)   IP
    • B)   port
    • C)   specific
    • D)   physical
  16. The _______ layer coordinates the functions required to transmit a bit stream over a physical medium.
    • A)   data link
    • B)   transport
    • C)   network
    • D)   physical
  17. The ______ layer is responsible for the source-to-destination delivery of a packet across multiple network links.
    • A)   network
    • B)   physical
    • C)   data link
    • D)   transport
  18. Mail services are available to network users through the _______ layer.
    • A)   Transport
    • B)   Physical
    • C)   Data link
    • D)   Application
  19. The ____ created a model called the Open Systems Interconnection, which allows diverse systems to communicate.
    • A)   IEEE
    • B)   ISO
    • C)   OSI
    • D)   none of the above
  20. The _______ layer changes bits into electromagnetic signals.
    • A)   Physical
    • B)   Transport
    • C)   Data link
    • D)   None of the above
  21. IPv6 has _______ -bit addresses.
    • A)   128
    • B)   32
    • C)   64
    • D)   variable
  22. The_____ address identifies a process on a host.
    • A)   specific
    • B)   port
    • C)   IP
    • D)   physical
  23. The_________ layer is responsible for the delivery of a message from one process to another.
    • A)   transport
    • B)   network
    • C)   physical
    • D)   none of the above
  24. The _________ layer enables the users to access the network.
    • A)   application
    • B)   physical
    • C)   data link
    • D)   transport

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credit: Behrouz A. Forouzan©2013
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