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Monday, February 25, 2013

Virtual-Circuit Networks: Frame Relay and ATM - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 11:06 AM
MCQs for Virtual-Circuit Networks: Frame Relay and ATM
This particular topic discuss the two switched WANs: Frame Relay and ATM. Frame Relay is a virtual-circuit wide-area network that was designed in response to demands for a new type of WAN in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a cell relay protocol that, in combination with SONET, allows high-speed connections. If you skip the summary and important terminology visit Virtual-Circuit Networks: Frame Relay and ATM .

Begin and Good luck!
  1. To handle frames arriving from other protocols, Frame Relay uses a device called a _________.
    • A)   MUX
    • B)   VOFR
    • C)   FRAD
    • D)   none of the above
  2. In Frame Relay, an address can be ________ bytes.
    • A)   2 to 3
    • B)   2 to 4
    • C)   only 2
    • D)   none of the above
  3. In ATM, the _____ layer defines the transmission medium, bit transmission, encoding, and electrical-to-optical transformation.
    • A)   AAL
    • B)   physical
    • C)   ATM layer
    • D)   none of the above
  4. A _______ ATM LAN combines features of a pure ATM LAN and a legacy ATM LAN.
    • A)   legacy
    • B)   pure
    • C)   mixed architecture
    • D)   none of the above
  5. A(n) ______ is the interface between a user and an ATM switch.
    • A)   NNN
    • B)   UNI
    • C)   NNI
    • D)   None of the above
  6. In ATM, a virtual connection is defined by _________.
    • A)   DLCI
    • B)   VPI
    • C)   VCI
    • D)   a combination of (b) and (c)
  7. In ATM, _______is for short packets.
    • A)   AAL5
    • B)   AAL3/4
    • C)   AAL2
    • D)   AAL1
  8. In Frame Relay, when a _____ is selected, the corresponding table entry is recorded for all switches by the administrator.
    • A)   SVC
    • B)   PVC
    • C)   either (a) or (b)
    • D)   neither (a) nor (b)
  9. In ATM, the _______layer accepts transmissions from upper-layer services and maps them into ATM cells.
    • A)   AAL
    • B)   physical
    • C)   ATM
    • D)   none of the above
  10. The VPI of a UNI is _______ bits in length.
    • A)   32
    • B)   16
    • C)   12
    • D)   8
  11. The ATM standard defines ______ layers.
    • A)   five
    • B)   four
    • C)   three
    • D)   two
  12. ________ technology can be adapted for use in a LAN (ATM LAN).
    • A)   ATM
    • B)   X.25
    • C)   Frame Relay
    • D)   none of the above
  13. VCIs in Frame Relay are called ______.
    • A)   SVC
    • B)   DLCIs
    • C)   PVC
    • D)   none of the above
  14. The AAL is divided into _______ sublayers.
    • A)   four
    • B)   three
    • C)   two
    • D)   none of the above
  15. _________ is the interface between two ATM switches.
    • A)   NNI
    • B)   NNN
    • C)   UNI
    • D)   none of the above
  16. Frame Relay networks offer an option called ______________ that sends voice through the network.
    • A)   FRAD
    • B)   VOFR
    • C)   MUX
    • D)   none of the above
  17. A _______ is defined as a small, fixed-size block of information.
    • A)   packet
    • B)   cell
    • C)   frame
    • D)   none of the above
  18. In ATM, the ______ layer provides routing, traffic management, switching, and multiplexing services.
    • A)   ATM
    • B)   AAL
    • C)   physical
    • D)   none of the above
  19. In ATM, _____ is for conventional packet switching (virtual-circuit approach or datagram approach).
    • A)   AAL5
    • B)   AAL3/4
    • C)   AAL2
    • D)   AAL1
  20. Frame Relay provides ________.
    • A)   SVCs
    • B)   PVCs
    • C)   either (a) or (b)
    • D)   neither (a) nor (b)
  21. In Frame Relay, the EA field defines the number of bytes; it is _____ in the last byte of the address.
    • A)   0
    • B)   1
    • C)   2
    • D)   3
  22. In a _____ ATM LAN, an ATM switch connects stations.
    • A)   legacy
    • B)   pure
    • C)   mixed architecture
    • D)   none of the above
  23. The VPI of an NNI is _______ bits in length.
    • A)   24
    • B)   16
    • C)   12
    • D)   8
  24. At the data link layer, Frame Relay uses a protocol that supports _____control.
    • A)   error
    • B)   flow
    • C)   either (a) or (b)
    • D)   neither (a) nor (b)
  25. ________ is the cell relay protocol designed by the corresponding Forum and adopted by the ITU-T.
    • A)   Frame Relay
    • B)   ATM
    • C)   X.25
    • D)   none of the above
  26. In Frame Relay, when ______ is selected, it requires establishing and terminating phases.
    • A)   a PVC
    • B)   an SVC
    • C)   either (a) or (b)
    • D)   neither (a) nor (b)
  27. In a _______ ATM LAN, the backbone that connects traditional LANs uses ATM technology.
    • A)   legacy
    • B)   pure
    • C)   mixed architecture
    • D)   none of the above
  28. In ATM, connection between two endpoints is accomplished through _______.
    • A)   VCs
    • B)   TPs
    • C)   VPs
    • D)   all of the above
  29. Frame Relay has _______.
    • A)   the physical, data link, and network layers
    • B)   the physical and data link layers
    • C)   only the data link
    • D)   only the physical layer
  30. In ATM, ______ is for packets requiring no sequencing and no error control mechanism.
    • A)   AAL5
    • B)   AAL3/4
    • C)   AAL2
    • D)   AAL1
  31. ______ eliminates the varying delay times associated with different-size packets.
    • A)   Frame Relay
    • B)   ATM
    • C)   X.25
    • D)   all of the above
  32. In ATM, ______ is for constant-bit-rate data.
    • A)   AAL5
    • B)   AAL3/4
    • C)   AAL2
    • D)   AAL1
  33. ________ is a virtual-circuit wide-area network that was designed in response to demands for a new type of WAN in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
    • A)   ATM
    • B)   Frame Relay
    • C)   X.25
    • D)   none of the above
  34. The ATM data packet is a cell composed of ______ bytes.
    • A)   53
    • B)   52
    • C)   43
    • D)   42

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credit: Behrouz A. Forouzan©2013
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