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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Electrical Circuit - MCQs Part VI - Answers

Posted by Unknown at 10:45 AM
Electrical Circuit - MCQS Part VI - Answers

Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions in Electrical Circuit - MCQS Part VI

251. 70 V

252. Air

253. Anticapacitance switch

254. Bifilar resistor

255. Alloy

256. Peak

257. Increases two times

258. Decreases or increases

259. Maximum

260. Receives energy

261. Eliminating the j component in the denominator

262. Quadrature component only

263. 0

264. 5

265. 10

266. Increased

267. Distance between plates

268. Appliances have different current ratings

269. V/m

270. Triangular wave

271. Because frequency of dc is zero

272. Greater than the largest capacitor

273. Reactance

274. Voltage

275. ½ L and 2 A

276. Reactive power

277. 50 %

278. Exponential law

279. Current

280. 2 μF

281. Lagging

282. Less than the smallest resistance in the connection

283. Large self-induced voltage across L

284. Phasor

285. Mass

286. Electrolytic

287. Electronic system

288. Shorting the load terminals

289. RL = r

290. 110 V

291. Smaller than the smallest capacitor

292. Thevenin’s theorem

293. Figure of merit

294. CV2/2

295. Norton’s theorem

296. Electrolytic

297. 30 W

298. Ohm’s law

299. Cryogenic conductor

300. Non-linear circuit

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electrical Circuit MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI


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