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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Electrical Circuit - MCQs Part VI

Posted by Unknown at 10:37 AM
Electrical Circuit - MCQS Part VI

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in AC-DC circuits
  • MCQs in Resistors
  • MCQs in Inductors
  • MCQs in Capacitors

The Six-Parts Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

Electrical circuits MCQs
PART 1: MCQs from Number 1 – 50                        Answer key: PART I
PART  2: MCQs from Number 51 – 100                   Answer key: PART II
PART 3: MCQs from Number 101 – 150                  Answer key: PART III
PART 4: MCQs from Number 151 – 200                  Answer key: PART IV
PART 5: MCQs from Number 201 – 250                  Answer key: PART V
PART 6: MCQs from Number 251 – 300                  Answer key: PART VI

Start with Part VI of the MCQs Series

251. A neon glow lamp used as a night light ionizes at approximately

  • A. 70 V
  • B. 80 V
  • C. 90 V
  • D. 100 V

252. What dielectric is generally employed by a variable capacitor?

  • A. Mica
  • B. Air
  • C. Electrolyte
  • D. Ceramic

253. A switch designed to have low capacitance between its terminal when open.

  • A. LOCAP switch
  • B. AntiLOCAP switch
  • C. Anticapacitance switch
  • D. Capacitance switch

254. A resistor wound with a wire doubled back on itself to reduce the inductance.

  • A. Bifilar resistor
  • B. Wire-wound resistor
  • C. Anti-inductive resistor
  • D. Bleeder resistor

255. What fusion of elements is without chemical action between them?

  • A. Mixture
  • B. Compound
  • C. Alloy
  • D. Ionization

256. In calculating maximum instantaneous power ___ voltage or current is used.

  • A. Peak
  • B. Average
  • C. Rms
  • D. Instantaneous

257. The area of capacitor plates increases two times, then its capacitance

  • A. Increases two times
  • B. Increases four times
  • C. Decreases two times
  • D. Decreases four times

258. If the inductance is decreased, the impedance of the circuit containing a resistor a capacitor and an inductor connected in series to an ac source

  • A. Decreases
  • B. Increases
  • C. Decreases or increases
  • D. Decreases, increases or remains the same

259. When the movable plates of a gang capacitor completely overlap the fixed plates, the capacitance of the capacitor is

  • A. Halfway between maximum and minimum
  • B. Maximum
  • C. Minimum
  • D. Zero

260. In a circuit, a passive element is one which

  • A. Supplies energy
  • B. Receives energy
  • C. Both supplies and receives energy
  • D. Attenuates signal

261. Rationalizing the denominator of a complex number means

  • A. Eliminating the j component in the denominator
  • B. Adding j component in the denominator
  • C. Eliminating the j component in the numerator
  • D. Adding j component in the numerator

262. When two complex conjugates are subtracted, the result is a

  • A. Quadrature component only
  • B. Complex component
  • C. In-phase component
  • D. Real component

263. A coil of inductance L has an inductive reactance of XL in an ac circuit in which the effective current is I. The coil is made from a superconducting material. The rate at which power is dissipated in the coil is

  • A. 0
  • B. I2XL
  • C. IXL
  • D. IXL2

264. If the capacitance of mica capacitor is 5 times the capacitance of air capacitor, then the relative permittivity of mica is

  • A. 2.5
  • B. 5
  • C. 10
  • D. 25

265. The hot resistance of an incandescent lamp is about ___ times its cold resistance.

  • A. 10
  • B. 5
  • C. 50
  • D. 100

266. When the temperature of copper wire is increased its resistance is

A. Increased

B. Decreased

C. Constant

D. Zero

267. A trimmer is a variable capacitor in which capacitance is varied by changing the

  • A. Number of plates
  • B. Dielectric
  • C. Distance between plates
  • D. Plate area

268. The reason why electrical appliances are not connected in series.

  • A. Greater electrical power saving
  • B. Power loss is minimum
  • C. Appliances have different current ratings
  • D. All of the above

269. Form its definition, the unit of electric field, is the N/C and equivalent unit of is the

  • A. V(m)2
  • B. V(m)
  • C. V/m2
  • D. V/m

170. Which of the following is the peakiest?

  • A. Square wave
  • B. Sinusoidal wave
  • C. Triangular wave
  • D. Rectangular wave

171. Why are inductance and capacitance not relevant in a dc circuit?

  • A. Because it is a simple circuit
  • B. Because dc circuits require only resistance as load
  • C. Because they do not exist in a dc circuit
  • D. Because frequency of dc is zero

172. When capacitors are connected in parallel, the total capacitance is

  • A. Greater than the largest capacitor
  • B. Smaller than the largest capacitor
  • C. Smaller than the smallest capacitor
  • D. Greater than the smallest capacitor

173. When current and voltage arte in phase in an ac circuit, the ___ is equal to zero.

  • A. Resistance
  • B. Reactance
  • C. Inductance
  • D. Capacitance

174. Thevenin’s theorem is what form of an equivalent circuit?

  • A. Current
  • B. Voltage
  • C. Both current and voltage
  • D. Neither current nor voltage

175. Which of the following combination of length and cross-sectional area will give a certain volume of copper the least resistance?

  • A. 2L and1/2 A
  • B. Does not matter because the volume of copper remains the same
  • C. L and A
  • D. ½ L and 2 A

176. The ratio between the reactive power and the apparent power of an ac load is called

  • A. Quality factor
  • B. Power factor
  • C. Power ratio
  • D. Reactive power

177. What is the efficiency under the conditions of maximum power transfer?

  • A. 50 %
  • B. 100 %
  • C. 25 %
  • D. 75 %

178. The charging of a capacitor through a resistance follows what law?

  • A. Linear law
  • B. Hyperbolic law
  • C. Inverse-square law
  • D. Exponential law

179. Norton’s theorem is what form of an ac equivalent circuit?

  • A. Voltage
  • B. Current
  • C. Both voltage and current
  • D. Neither voltage nor current

180. What is the total capacitance of 10 capacitors, each of 20 μF in series?

  • A. 200 μF
  • B. 2 μF
  • C. 100 μF
  • D. 0.5 μF

181. An inductive load always has a ___ power factor

  • A. Leading
  • B. Lagging
  • C. Zero
  • D. Unity

182. When resistance are connected in parallel, the total resistance is

  • A. Less than the smallest resistance in the connection
  • B. Greater than the smallest resistance in the connection
  • C. Between the smallest and greatest resistance in the connection
  • D. Increasing and decreasing depending upon the supply voltage

183. The arc across a switch when it open an RL circuit is a result of the

  • A. Large self-induced voltage across L
  • B. Long time constant
  • C. Low resistance of the open switch
  • D. Surge of resistance

184. What is a rotating vector whose projection can represent either current or voltage in an ac circuit?

  • A. Polar diagram
  • B. Scalar quantity
  • C. Velocity
  • D. Phasor

185. Which factor does not affect resistance?

  • A. Length
  • B. Resistivity
  • C. Cross-sectional area
  • D. Mass

186. Which of the following capacitors are used only in dc circuits?

  • A. Mica
  • B. Ceramic
  • C. Mylar
  • D. Electrolytic

187. The maximum power transfer theorem is used in

  • A. Power system
  • B. Electronic system
  • C. Refrigeration
  • D. Air conditioning

188. In Norton’s theorem, the short circuit current is obtained by

  • A. Opening the load terminals
  • B. Shorting the load terminals
  • C. Opening the voltage source
  • D. Shorting the voltage source

189. For maximum power transfer, what is the relation between load resistance RL and internal resistance R of the voltage source?

  • A. RL = 2 r
  • B. RL = 1.5 r
  • C. RL = r
  • D. RL = 3 r

190. A capacitor of 0.5 μF charged to 220 V is connected across an uncharged 0.5 μF capacitor. What is the voltage across each capacitor?

  • A. 220 V
  • B. 150 V
  • C. 110 V
  • D. 22 V

191. When capacitors are connected in series, the total capacitance is

  • A. Smaller than the smallest capacitor
  • B. Smaller than the largest capacitor
  • C. Greater than any of the capacitor
  • D. Greater than the largest capacitor

192. What theorem is generally used in the analysis of vacuum tubes?

  • A. Superposition theorem
  • B. Millman’s theorem
  • C. Thevenin’s theorem
  • D. Norton’s theorem

193. Another term of the quality factor of the resonant circuit.

  • A. Figure of merit
  • B. Figure of demerit
  • C. Noise factor
  • D. Noise figure

194. Which of the following represents the energy stored in a capacitor?

  • A. CV2/2
  • B. 2Q2/C
  • C. C2/V
  • D. CV

195. What theorem is usually used in the analysis of transistor circuit?

  • A. Superposition theorem
  • B. Millman’s theorem
  • C. Thevenin’s theorem
  • D. Norton’s theorem

196. Which of the following capacitors has the highest cost per μF?

  • A. Plastic
  • B. Air
  • C. Mica
  • D. Electrolytic

197. Under the conditions of maximum power transfer, a voltage source is delivering a power of 15 W to the load. What is the power generated by the source?

  • A. 60 W
  • B. 30 W
  • C. 15 W
  • D. 4 W

198. Which of the following is neither a basic physical law nor deliverable from one?

  • A. Ohm’s law
  • B. Coulomb’s law
  • C. Kirchhoff’s first law
  • D. Kirchhoff’s second law

199. Another term for superconductor.

  • A. Generic conductor
  • B. Ultraconductor
  • C. Cryotron
  • D. Cryogenic conductor

300. A circuit whose parameters change with voltage or current.

  • A. Non-linear circuit
  • B. Linear circuit
  • C. Complex circuit
  • D. Passive circuit


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