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Monday, April 7, 2014

Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 10:14 PM
MCQs for Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifiers

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in BJT Amplifiers
  • MCQs in Amplifier Operation
  • MCQs in Transistor AC Models
  • MCQs in The Common-Emitter Amplifier
  • MCQs in The Common-Collector Amplifier
  • MCQs in The Common-Base Amplifier
  • MCQs in Multistage Amplifiers
  • MCQs in The Differential Amplifier
  • MCQs in Common mode
  • MCQs in CMRR (Common-mode rejection ratio)
  • MCQs in Emitter-follower
  • MCQs in AC Quantities

Begin and Good luck!

1. Which of the following techniques can be used in the sinusoidal ac analysis of transistor networks?

  • A) Small-signal
  • B) Large-signal
  • C) Small- or large-signal
  • D) None of the above

2. What is the limit of the efficiency defined by = Po / Pi?

  • A) Greater than 1
  • B) Less than 1
  • C) Always 1
  • D) None of the above

3. Which of the following define(s) the conversion efficiency?

  • A) Ac power to the load/ac input power
  • B) Ac power to the load/dc power supplied
  • C) Dc output power/ac input power
  • D) All of the above

4. Which of the following should be done to obtain the ac equivalent of a network?

  • A) Set all dc sources to zero
  • B) Replace all capacitors by a short-circuit equivalent.
  • C) Remove all elements bypassed by the short-circuit equivalent.
  • D) All of the above

5. The _____ model suffers from being limited to a particular set of operating conditions if it is to be considered accurate.

  • A) hybrid equivalent
  • B) re
  • C) β
  • D) Thevenin

6. The _____ model fails to account for the output impedance level of the device and the feedback effect from output to input.

  • A) hybrid equivalent
  • B) re
  • C) β
  • D) Thevenin

7. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the input impedance for frequencies in the midrange ≤ 100 kHz of a BJT transistor amplifier?

  • A) The input impedance is purely resistive.
  • B) It varies from a few ohms to mega ohms.
  • C) An ohmmeter cannot be used to measure the small-signal ac input impedance.
  • D) All of the above

8. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the output impedance for frequencies in the midrange ≤ 100 kHz of a BJT transistor amplifier?

  • A) The output impedance is purely resistive.
  • B) It varies from a few ohms to more than 2 MΩ.
  • C) An ohmmeter cannot be used to measure the small-signal ac output impedance.
  • D) All of the above

9. What is the range of the current gain for BJT transistor amplifiers?

  • A) less than 1
  • B) 1 to 100
  • C) above 100
  • D) All of the above

10. The input impedance of a BJT amplifier is purely _____ in nature and can vary from a few _____ to _____.

  • A) resistive, ohms, megohms
  • B) capacitive, microfarads, farads
  • C) inductive, millihenrys, henrys
  • D) None of the above

11. For BJT amplifiers, the _____ gain typically ranges from a level just less than 1 to a level that may exceed 1000.

  • A) voltage
  • B) current
  • C) impedance
  • D) All of the above

12. What is the unit of the parameter ho?

  • A) Volt
  • B) Ohm
  • C) Siemen
  • D) No unit

13. Which of the h-parameters corresponds to re in a common-base configuration?

  • A) hib
  • B) hfb
  • C) hrb
  • D) hob

14. What is the range of the input impedance of a common-base configuration?

  • A) A few ohms to a maximum of 50 Ω
  • B) 1 kΩ to 5 kΩ
  • C) 100 kΩ to 500 kΩ
  • D) 1 MΩ to 2 MΩ

15. What is the typical value of the current gain of a common-base configuration?

  • A) Less than 1
  • B) Between 1 and 50
  • C) Between 100 and 200
  • D) Undefined

16. What is the controlling current in a common-base configuration?

  • A) Ie
  • B) Ic
  • C) Ib
  • D) None of the above

17. What is the typical range of the output impedance of a common-emitter configuration?

  • A) 10 Ω to 100 Ω
  • B) 1 kΩ to 5 kΩ
  • C) 40 kΩ to 50 kΩ
  • D) 500 kΩ to 1 MΩ

18. Under which of the following conditions is the output impedance of the network approximately equal to RC for a common-emitter fixed-bias configuration?

  • A) ro ≥ 10RC
  • B) ro < 10RC
  • C) ro < ro
  • D) ro > ro

19. Under which of the following condition(s) is the current gain Av ≈ β?

  • A) ro ≥ 10RC
  • B) RB ≥ 10re
  • C) ro ≥ 10RC and RB ≥ 10re
  • D) None of the above

20. What does the negative sign in the voltage gain of the common-emitter fixed-bias configuration indicate?

  • A) The output and input voltages are 180º out of phase.
  • B) Gain is smaller than 1.
  • C) Gain is larger than 1.
  • D) None of the above

21. For the common-emitter fixed-bias configuration, there is a _____ phase shift between the input and output signals.

  • A) 0º
  • B) 45º
  • C) 90º
  • D) 180º

22. Which of the following configurations has an output impedance Zo equal to RC?

  • A) Fixed-bias common-emitter
  • B) Common-emitter voltage-divider with bypass capacitor
  • C) Common-emitter voltage-divider without bypass capacitor
  • D) All of the above

23. Which of the following configurations has a voltage gain of –RC /re?

  • A) Fixed-bias common-emitter
  • B) Common-emitter voltage-divider with bypass capacitor
  • C) Fixed-bias common-emitter and voltage-divider with bypass capacitor
  • D) Common-emitter voltage-divider without bypass capacitor

24. Which of the following configurations has the lowest output impedance?

  • A) Fixed-bias
  • B) Voltage-divider
  • C) Emitter-follower
  • D) None of the above

25. The _____ configuration is frequently used for impedance matching.

  • A) fixed-bias
  • B) voltage-divider bias
  • C) emitter-follower
  • D) collector feedback

26. The emitter-follower configuration has a _____ impedance at the input and a _____ impedance at the output.

  • A) low, low
  • B) low, high
  • C) high, low
  • D) high, high

27. Which of the following gains is less than 1 for a common-base configuration?

  • A) Ai
  • B) Av
  • C) Ap
  • D) None of the above

28. Which of the following conditions must be met to allow the use of the approximate approach in a voltage-divider bias configuration?

  • A) βre > 10R2
  • B) βRE > 10R2
  • C) βRE < 10R2
  • D) βre < 10R2

29. Which one of the following configurations has the lowest input impedance?

  • A) Fixed-bias
  • B) Common-base
  • C) Emitter-follower
  • D) Voltage-divider?

30. For the collector dc feedback configuration, there is a _____ phase shift between the input and output signals.

  • A) 0º
  • B) 45º
  • C) 90º
  • D) 180º

31. Which of the following represent(s) the advantage(s) of the system approach over the r-model approach?

  • A) Thevenin's theorem can be used.
  • B) The effect of changing the load can be determined by a simple equation.
  • C) There is no need to go back to the ac equivalent model and analyze the entire network.
  • D) All of the above

32. The loaded voltage gain of an amplifier is always more than the no-load level.

  • A) True
  • B) False

33. The smaller the level of RL, the larger the level of ac voltage gain.

  • A) True
  • B) False

34. Which of the following is (are) true to achieve a good overall voltage gain for the circuit?

  • A) The effect of Rs and RL must be considered as a product.
  • B) The effect of Rs and RL must be considered as a product and evaluated individually.
  • C) The effect of Rs and RL must be evaluated individually.
  • D) None of the above

35. The _____ the source resistance and/or _____ the load resistance, the less the overall gain of an amplifier.

  • A) smaller, smaller
  • B) smaller, larger
  • C) larger, smaller
  • D) larger, larger

36. The current gain for the Darlington connection is _____.

  • A) β1 • (β2/2)
  • B) β1 • β2
  • C) β1 / β2
  • D) β1 • (β2 – 1)

37. What is the voltage gain of a feedback pair connection?

  • A) 1
  • B) –1
  • C) 100
  • D) –100

38. Which of the following is referred to as the reverse transfer voltage ratio?

  • A) hi
  • B) hr
  • C) hf
  • D) ho

39. In an unbypassed emitter bias configuration hie replaces _____ in the re model.

  • A) re
  • B) β
  • C) βre
  • D) Ib

Fill-in-the-blanks Questions

1. The _____ of the input signal is one of the first concerns in the sinusoidal ac analysis of transistor networks.

  • A) period
  • B) frequency
  • C) magnitude
  • D) None of the above

2. The _____ model(s) is (are) commonly used in the small-signal ac analysis of transistor networks.

  • A) re
  • B) hybrid equivalent
  • C) re and hybrid equivalent
  • D) None of the above

3. The peak value of the ac input signal is controlled by the _____ in a transistor network for the frequencies in the low to midrange.

  • A) resistors
  • B) applied dc voltage
  • C) capacitors
  • D) None of the above

4. _____ can be applied to determine the response of the ac equivalent circuit.

  • A) Mesh analysis
  • B) Node analysis
  • C) Thevenin's theorem
  • D) All of the above

5. For transistor amplifiers, the no-load voltage gain is _____ the loaded voltage gain.

  • A) smaller than
  • B) greater than
  • C) the same as
  • D) None of the above

6. The input and output signals are _____ for the typical transistor amplifier at frequencies that permit ignoring the effects of the reactive elements.

  • A) in phase
  • B) 180º out of phase
  • C) either in phase or 180º out of phase
  • D) None of the above

7. One junction of an operating transistor is _____ and the other one is _____.

  • A) forward-biased, forward-biased
  • B) forward-biased, reverse-biased
  • C) reverse-biased, reverse-biased
  • D) None of the above

8. For a common-base configuration, the input impedance is relatively _____ and the output impedance quite _____.

  • A) high, small
  • B) small, high
  • C) small, small
  • D) high, high

9. The output voltage and the input voltage are _____ for the common-base configuration.

  • A) 45º out of phase
  • B) 90º out of phase
  • C) 180º out of phase
  • D) in phase

10. In a common-emitter configuration _____ is the controlling current while _____ is the controlled current.

  • A) IC, IB
  • B) IC, IE
  • C) IB, IC
  • D) None of the above

11. The level of re is determined by _____.

  • A) α
  • B) IE
  • C) β
  • D) IB

12. The output voltage and the input voltage are _____ for the common-emitter configuration.

  • A) in phase
  • B) 45º out of phase
  • C) 90º out of phase
  • D) 180º out of phase

13. The common-emitter configuration has a _____ level of input impedance with a _____ voltage and current gain.

  • A) moderate, high
  • B) low, moderate
  • C) low, low
  • D) high, low

14. _____ refers to the forward transfer current ratio.

  • A) hi
  • B) hr
  • C) hf
  • D) ho

15. For the common-emitter and common-base configurations, the magnitude of _____ and _____ is often not included in the model.

  • A) hr, ho
  • B) hi, he
  • C) hi, hr
  • D) he, ho

16. In a fixed-bias network, the input signal Vi is applied to the _____ of the transistor while the output Vo is off the _____.

  • A) base, collector
  • B) base, emitter
  • C) emitter, collector
  • D) None of the above

17. In a voltage-divider bias configuration, the voltage-divider equation is used to determine the _____.

  • A) ac level of Vb
  • B) dc level of IB
  • C) dc level of VB
  • D) ac level of Ib

18. In a voltage-divider bias configuration, there can be a measurable difference in the results for _____ if the condition ro ≥ 10RC is not satisfied.

  • A) Zo
  • B) Av
  • C) Ai
  • D) All of the above

19. The bypass capacitor in a common-emitter configuration _____ the voltage gain.

  • A) significantly decreases
  • B) significantly increases
  • C) slightly increases
  • D) slightly decreases

20. In an emitter-follower, the voltage gain is _____.

  • A) slightly less than 1
  • B) slightly more than 1
  • C) a very large value
  • D) None of the above

21. In an emitter-follower, the output voltage is _____ with the input voltage.

  • A) 45º out of phase
  • B) 90º out of phase
  • C) 180º out of phase
  • D) in phase

22. An emitter-follower has _____ impedance at the input and _____ impedance at the output.

  • A) high, high
  • B) low, high
  • C) high, low
  • D) low, low

23. _____ is slightly affected if the condition ro ≥ 10RE is not satisfied in the analysis of an emitter-follower configuration.

  • A) Zi
  • B) Zo
  • C) Av
  • D) Ai

24. A common-base configuration has _____ impedance at the input and _____ impedance at the output.

  • A) high, high
  • B) high, low
  • C) low, low
  • D) low, high

25. In a common-base configuration, the input and output voltages are _____ and the output and input currents are _____.

  • A) 180º out of phase, 180º out of phase
  • B) 180º out of phase, in phase
  • C) in phase,180º out of phase
  • D) in phase, in phase

26. Ideally, the changes in the load resistor or the source resistor should have _____ effect on all the parameters of the two-port model.

  • A) a great
  • B) a moderate
  • C) no
  • D) None of the above

27. The loaded voltage gain of an amplifier is _____ the no-load level.

  • A) always more than
  • B) always less than
  • C) always the same as
  • D) None of the above

28. The coupling capacitor places the load and collector resistors in a _____ arrangement.

  • A) series
  • B) parallel
  • C) series-parallel
  • D) None of the above

29. The dc load line and ac load line both have the same _____ .

  • A) x-intercept
  • B) y-intercept
  • C) slope
  • D) Q-point

30. The _____ the level of RL, the _____ the level of ac voltage gain.

  • A) smaller, higher
  • B) larger, lower
  • C) smaller, lower
  • D) None of the above

31. The _____ the source resistance, the _____ the overall gain of an amplifier.

  • A) larger, higher
  • B) larger, lower
  • C) lower, lower
  • D) None of the above

32. The ac voltage gain of a Darlington connection is about _____.

  • A) 0
  • B) 1
  • C) βD
  • D) None of the above

33. The feedback pair uses a(n) _____ transistor driving a(n) _____ transistor, the two devices acting effectively much like one pnp transistor.

  • A) pnp, npn
  • B) pnp, pnp
  • C) npn, npn
  • D) None of the above

34. In an unbypassed emitter-bias configuration _____ replaces re in the hybrid equivalent circuit.

  • A) hie
  • B) hfe
  • C) hre
  • D) hoe

35. In a hybrid equivalent circuit, ______ is determined to make it easier to find the other parameters.

  • A) Zi
  • B) Zo
  • C) Ai
  • D) Av


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    credit: Robert L. Boylestad©2013
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