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Sunday, April 6, 2014

DC Biasing-BJTs - MCQs Answers

Posted by Unknown at 11:05 PM
Answers key for DC Biasing-BJTs
Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) in DC Biasing-BJTs .

1. IE and IC

2. IC and IB

3. Linear or active

4. 170 mW



7. forward, reverse

8. forward, forward

9. VBC

10. 116

11. 10 V

12. All of the above

13. True

14. 3.23 V

15. 7.86 V

16. 4.72 mA

17. –4.52 V

18. 4.52 V

19. All of the above

20. 1.4 V, 59.7 µA

21. −3.65 V

22. 49.2 Ω

23. False

24. True

25. All of the above

26. 42 ns

27. True

28. True

29. 25, 75

30. All of the above

31. S(β)

32. S(β)

33. 140.34 µA

34. 145.8 µA

35. 2.417 mA


1. All of the above

2. dc and ac

3. an open circuit equivalent

4. base, base

5. both current gain β and leakage current ICEO

6. RB and β

7. maximum, left of the VCEsat line

8. collector-emitter loop

9. VCC

10. RC

11. larger

12. Thevenin resistance RTh

13. voltage divider

14. more than

15. IB + IC’ , IC

16. Fixed bias

17. Voltage divider

18. low, high

19. cutoff, saturation

20. 25, 75

21. All of the above

22. increases, decreases, doubles

23. larger spacing

24. higher, more

25. larger, lower, more

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credit: Robert L. Boylestad©2013
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