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Sunday, April 6, 2014

DC Biasing - BJTs - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 9:31 PM
MCQs for DC Biasing-BJTs

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in Operating Point
  • MCQs in Fixed-Bias Circuit
  • MCQs in Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
  • MCQs in Voltage-Divider Bias
  • MCQs in DC Bias with Voltage Feedback
  • MCQs in Miscellaneous Bias Configurations
  • MCQs in Design Operations
  • MCQs in Transistor Switching Networks
  • MCQs in Troubleshooting Techniques
  • MCQs in PNP Transistors
  • MCQs in Bias Stabilization

Begin and Good luck!

1. Which of the following currents is nearly equal to each other?

  • A)    IB and IC
  • B)    IE and IC
  • C)    IB and IE
  • D)    IB, IC, and IE

2. The ratio of which two currents is represented by β?

  • A)    IC and IE
  • B)    IC and IB
  • C)    IE and IB
  • D)    None of the above

3. At what region of operation is the base-emitter junction forward biased and the base-collector junction reverse biased?

  • A)    Saturation
  • B)    Linear or active
  • C)    Cutoff
  • D)    None of the above

4. Calculate the approximate value of the maximum power rating for the transistor represented by the output characteristics of Figure 4.1?

  • A)    250 mW
  • B)    170 mW
  • C)    50 mW
  • D)    0 mW

5. The cutoff region is defined by IB _____ 0 A.

  • A)    >
  • B)    <
  • C)    ≤
  • D)    ≥

6. The saturation region is defined by VCE _____ VCEsat.

  • A)    >
  • B)    <
  • C)    ≤
  • D)    ≥

7. For the BJT to operate in the active (linear) region, the base-emitter junction must be _____-biased and the base-collector junction must be _____-biased.

  • A)    forward, forward
  • B)    forward, reverse
  • C)    reverse, reverse
  • D)    reverse, forward

8. For the BJT to operate in the saturation region, the base-emitter junction must be _____-biased and the base-collector junction must be _____-biased.

  • A)    forward, forward
  • B)    forward, reverse
  • C)    reverse, reverse
  • D)    reverse, forward

9. Which of the following voltages must have a negative level (value) in any npn bias circuit?

  • A)    VBE
  • B)    VCE
  • C)    VBC
  • D)    None of the above

10. For what value of β does the transistor enter the saturation region?

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 01

  • A)    20
  • B)    50
  • C)    75
  • D)    116

11. Determine the reading on the meter when VCC = 20 V, RC = 5 kΩ, and IC = 2 mA.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 02

  • A)    10 V
  • B)    –10 V
  • C)    0.7 V
  • D)    20 V

12. Which of the following is assumed in the approximate analysis of a voltage divider circuit?

  • A)    IB is essentially zero amperes.
  • B)    R1 and R2 are considered to be series elements.
  • C)    βRE ≥ 10R2
  • D)    All of the above

13. It is desirable to design a bias circuit that is independent of the transistor beta.

  • A)    True
  • B)    False

14. Calculate the voltage across the 91 kΩ resistor.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 03

  • A)    18 V
  • B)    9.22 V
  • C)    3.23 V
  • D)    None of the above

15. Calculate the value of VCEQ.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 04

  • A)    8.78 V
  • B)    0 V
  • C)    7.86 V
  • D)    18 V

16. Calculate ICsat.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 05

  • A)    35.29 mA
  • B)    5.45 mA
  • C)    1.86 mA
  • D)    4.72 mA

17. Calculate VCE.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 06

  • A) 4.52 V
  • B) –4.52 V
  • C) 4.48 V
  • D) –4.48 V

18. Calculate VCE.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 07

  • A) –4.52 V
  • B) 4.52 V
  • C) –9 V
  • D) 9 V

19. Which of the following is (are) related to an emitter-follower configuration?

  • A) The input and output signals are in phase.
  • B) The voltage gain is slightly less than 1.
  • C) Output is drawn from the emitter terminal.
  • D) All of the above

20. Determine the values of VCB and IB for this circuit.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 08

  • A) 1.4 V, 59.7 µA
  • B) –1.4 V, 59.7 µA
  • C) –9.3 V, 3.58 µA
  • D) 9.3 V, 3.58 µA

21. Calculate ETh for this network.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 09

  • A) −12.12 V
  • B) 16.35 V
  • C) −3.65 V
  • D) 10 V

22. Calculate Rsat if VCE = 0.3 V.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 10

  • A) 49.2 Ω
  • B) 49.2 kΩ
  • C) 49.2 mΩ
  • D) 49.2 MΩ

23. You can select the values for the emitter and collector resistors from the information that is provided for this circuit.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 11

  • A) True
  • B) False

24. In the case of this circuit, you must assume that VE = 0.1·VCC in order to calculate RC and RE.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 12

  • A) True
  • B) False

25. Which of the following is (are) the application(s) of a transistor?

  • A) Amplification of signal
  • B) Switching and control
  • C) Computer logic circuitry
  • D) All of the above

26. Calculate the storage time in a transistor switching network if toff is 56 ns, tf = 14 ns, and tr = 20 ns.

  • A) 70 ns
  • B) 42 ns
  • C) 36 ns
  • D) 34 ns

27. The total time required for the transistor to switch from the "off" to the "on" state is designated as ton and defined as the delay time plus the time element.

  • A) True
  • B) False

28. For an "on" transistor, the voltage VBE should be in the neighborhood of 0.7 V.

  • A) True
  • B) False

29. For the typical transistor amplifier in the active region, VCE is usually about _____ % to _____ % of VCC.

  • A) 10, 60
  • B) 25, 75
  • C) 40, 90

30. Which of the following is (are) a stability factor?

  • A) S(ICO)
  • B) S(VBE)
  • C) S(β)
  • D) All of the above

31. In a fixed-bias circuit, which one of the stability factors overrides the other factors?

  • A) S(ICO)
  • B) S(VBE)
  • C) S(β)
  • D) Undefined

32. In a voltage-divider circuit, which one of the stability factors has the least effect on the device at very high temperature?

  • A) S(ICO)
  • B) S(VBE)
  • C) S(β)
  • D) Undefined

33. Use this table to determine the change in IC from 25ºC to 175ºC for RB / RE = 250 due to the S(ICO) stability factor. Assume an emitter-bias configuration.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 13

  • A) 140.34 nA
  • B) 140.34 µA
  • C) 42.53 nA
  • D) 0.14034 nA

34. Determine the change in IC from 25ºC to 175ºC for the transistor defined in this table for fixed-bias with RB = 240 kΩ and β = 100 due to the S(VBE) stability factor.

MCQs in DC Biasing-BJTs Fig. 14

  • A) 145.8 µA
  • B) 145.8 nA
  • C) –145.8 µA
  • D) –145.8 nA

35. Determine ICQ at a temperature of 175º C if ICQ = 2 mA at 25º C for RB / RE = 20 due to the S(β) stability factor.

  • A) 2.417 mA
  • B) 2.392 mA
  • C) 2.25 mA
  • D) 2.58 mA

Fill-in-the-blanks Questions

1. By definition, quiescent means _____.

  • A) quiet
  • B) still
  • C) inactive
  • D) All of the above

2. _____ should be considered in the analysis or design of any electronic amplifiers.

  • A) dc
  • B) ac
  • C) dc and ac
  • D) None of the above

3. For the dc analysis the network can be isolated from the indicated ac levels by replacing the capacitor with _____.

  • A) an open circuit equivalent
  • B) a short circuit equivalent
  • C) a source voltage
  • D) None of the above

4. In a fixed-bias circuit with a fixed supply voltage VCC’ the selection of a _____ resistor sets the level of _____ current for the operating point.

  • A) collector, base
  • B) base, base
  • C) collector, collector
  • D) None of the above

5. Changes in temperature will affect the level of _____.

  • A) current gain β
  • B) leakage current ICEO
  • C) both current gain β and leakage current ICEO
  • D) None of the above

6. In a fixed-bias circuit, the magnitude of IC is controlled by and therefore is a function of _____.

  • A) RB
  • B) RC
  • C) β
  • D) RB and β

7. For a transistor operating in the saturation region, the collector current IC is at its _____ and the collector-emitter voltage VCE is to the _____.

  • A) minimum, left of the VCEsat line
  • B) minimum, right of the VCEsat line
  • C) maximum, left of the VCEsat line
  • D) maximum, right of the VCEsat line

8. The dc load line is determined solely by the _____.

  • A) base-emitter loop
  • B) collector-emitter loop
  • C) base-collector loop
  • D) None of the above

9. A change in value of _____ will create a new load line parallel to its previous one in a fixed-bias circuit.

  • A) RB
  • B) RC
  • C) VCC
  • D) VBE

10. In a fixed-bias circuit, the slope of the dc load line is controlled by _____.

  • A) RB
  • B) RC
  • C) VCC
  • D) IB

11. The emitter resistor in an emitter-stabilized bias circuit appears to be _____ in the base circuit.

  • A) larger
  • B) smaller
  • C) the same
  • D) None of the above

12. _____is the primary difference between the exact and approximate techniques used in the analysis of a voltage divider circuit.

  • A) Thevenin voltage ETh
  • B) Thevenin resistance RTh
  • C) Base voltage VB
  • D) RC

13. The Thevenin equivalent network is used in the analysis of the _____ circuit.

  • A) fixed bias
  • B) emitter-stabilized bias
  • C) voltage divider
  • D) voltage feedback

14. The saturation current of a transistor used in a fixed-bias circuit is _____ its value used in an emitter-stabilized or voltage-divider bias circuit for the same values of RC’

  • A) more than
  • B) the same as
  • C) less than
  • D) None of the above

15. In a collector feedback bias circuit, the current through the collector resistor is _____ and the collector current is _____.

  • A) IC’ IC
  • B) IB + IC’ IC
  • C) IB’, IC
  • D) None of the above

16. _____is the least stabilized circuit.

  • A) Fixed bias
  • B) Emitter-stabilized bias
  • C) Voltage divider
  • D) Voltage feedback

17. _____ is less dependent on the transistor beta.

  • A) Fixed bias
  • B) Emitter bias
  • C) Voltage divider
  • D) Voltage feedback

18. In a transistor-switching network, the level of the resistance between the collector and emitter is _____ at the saturation and is _____at the cutoff.

  • A) low, low
  • B) low, high
  • C) high, high
  • D) high, low

19. In a transistor-switching network, the operating point switches from _____ to _____ regions along the load line.

  • A) cutoff, active
  • B) cutoff, saturation
  • C) active, saturation
  • D) None of the above

20. For the typical transistor amplifier in the active region, VCE is usually about _____ % to _____ % of VCC’

  • A) 0, 100
  • B) 25, 75
  • C) 45, 55
  • D) None of the above

21. In any amplifier employing a transistor, the collector current IC is sensitive to _____.

  • A) β
  • B) VBE
  • C) ICO
  • D) All of the above

22. As the temperature increases, β _____, VBE _____, and ICO _____ in value for every 10ºC.

  • A) increases, decreases, doubles
  • B) decreases, increases, remains the same
  • C) decreases, increases, doubles
  • D) increases, increases, triples

23. A significant increase in leakage current due to increase in temperature creates _____between IB curves.

  • A) smaller spacing
  • B) larger spacing
  • C) the same space as at lower temperature
  • D) None of the above

24. The _____the stability factor, the _____sensitive the network is to variations in that parameter.

  • A) higher, more
  • B) higher, less
  • C) lower, more
  • D) None of the above

25. In an emitter-bias configuration, the _____ the resistance RE’, the _____ the stability factor, and the _____ stable is the system.

  • smaller, lower, less
  • larger, more, more
  • smaller, more, more
  • larger, lower, more

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credit: Robert L. Boylestad©2013
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  1. Hi,

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