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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Field Effect Transistor Devices - MCQs Answers

Posted by Unknown at 9:43 PM
Answers key for Field Effect Transistor Devices
Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) in Field Effect Transistor Devices .

1. VGS

2. p-n channel

3. 1 MΩ to several hundred MΩ


5. current, voltage

6. bipolar, unipolar

7. All of the above

8. Zero amperes

9. All of the above

10. No bias

11. 11.378 kΩ

12. zero amperes

13. gate, drain, source

14. Vp

15. ohmic

16. All of the above

17. –2.54 V

18. 0.444 mA

19. 0.25

20. one-half

21. All of the above

22. –25 Vdc, 10 mAdc

23. βdc

24. 3 or 4

25. All of the above

26. 1.66 V

27. 4.167 mA

28. SiO2

29. 3.70 V

30. enhancement-type MOSFET

31. All of the above

32. To protect the MOSFET for both polarities

33. All of the above

34. JFET

35. 108


1. voltage-controlled

2. unipolar

3. high input


5. n-type, p-type

6. wider

7. parabolic

8. All of the above

9. more, more

10. using both Shockley's equation and by output characteristics

11. All of the above

12. curve tracer

13. Per step

14. VGS

15. construction of the gate connection

16. the absence of the channel

17. VGS

18. higher, more

19. applied VGS is less than or equal to VGS(Th)

20. All of the above

21. CMOS

22. largest, smallest

23. an insulator

24. enhancement, depletion

25. positive

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credit: Robert L. Boylestad©2013
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