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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

DC Biasing – FETs - MCQs Answers

Posted by Unknown at 11:56 AM
Answers key for  DC Biasing – FETs
Below are the answers key for the Multiple Choice Questions (Quiz) in DC Biasing – FETs .

1. 0 A

2. ID = IS

3. nonlinear, squared


5. 16 V

6. True

7. All of the above

8. VS

9. 3.3 kΩ

10. Both cross the origin.

11. 5.167 kΩ

12. 3.8 V

13. All of the above

14. 250 Ω

15. 100 MΩ

16. False

17. 6.2 kΩ

18. 3.5 V

19. 40 V

20. 0 V, 0 V

21. 17.0 V

22. False

23. 0 V

24. 5.34 V

25. 3.2 kΩ, 400 Ω

26. 1.68 kΩ

27. 4.13 kΩ

28. True

29. True

30. –3 V

31. 1.5 mA, –1.5 V

32. 3.58 V

33. m, fixed-bias

34. thermistor

35. dc, ac


1. nonlinear

2. voltage

3. current

4. JFETs and depletion-type MOSFETs

5. open-circuit, low impedance

6. VG

7. 1

8. 0.25

9. the input

10. RS

11. Increased, lower, less

12. All of the above

13. more rapidly

14. voltage-divider

15. VGS(Th)

16. All of the above

17. RD

18. 3.75

19. All of the above

20. VGSQ

21. 25, 75

22. fixed-bias

23. voltage-divider

24. the normalized level MCQs in  DC Biasing – FETs Fig. 22

25. positive, negative

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credit: Robert L. Boylestad©2013
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