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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Field Effect Transistor Amplifiers - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 2:56 PM
MCQs for Field Effect Transistor Amplifiers

Multiple Choice Questions Topic Outline

  • MCQs in FET Amplifiers
  • MCQs in FET Small-Signal Model
  • MCQs in JFET Fixed-Bias Configuration
  • MCQs in JFET Self-Bias Configuration
  • MCQs in JFET Voltage-Divider Configuration
  • MCQs in JFET Source-Follower (Common-Drain) Configuration
  • MCQs in JFET Common-Gate Configuration
  • MCQs in Depletion-type MOSFETs
  • MCQs in Enhancement-type MOSFETs
  • MCQs in E-MOSFET Drain-Feedback Configuration
  • MCQs in E-MOSFET Voltage-Divider Configuration
  • MCQs in Designing FET Amplifier Networks

Begin and Good luck!

1. FET amplifiers provide ________.

  • A) excellent voltage gain
  • B) high input impedance
  • C) low power consumption
  • D) All of the above

2. A BJT is a ________-controlled device.

  • A) current
  • B) voltage
  • C) power
  • D) resistance

3. An FET is a ________-controlled device.

  • A) current
  • B) voltage
  • C) power
  • D) resistance

4. The E-MOSFET is quite popular in ________ applications.

  • A) digital circuitry
  • B) high-frequency
  • C) buffering
  • D) All of the above

5. What is the range of gm for JFETs?

  • A) 1 µS to 10 µS
  • B) 100 µS to 1000 µS
  • C) 1000 µS to 5000 µS
  • D) 10000 µS to 100000 µS

6. For what value of ID is gm equal to 0.5 gm0?

  • A) 0 mA
  • B) 0.25 IDSS
  • C) 0.5 IDSS
  • D) IDSS

7. What is the typical value for the input impedance Zi for JFETs?

  • A) 100 kΩ
  • B) 1 MΩ
  • C) 10 MΩ
  • D) 1000 MΩ

8. Referring to the transfer characteristics shown below, calculate gm at VGSQ = –1 V.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 01

  • A) 2 mS
  • B) 3 mS
  • C) 4 mS
  • D) 5 mS

9. Use the following equation to calculate gm for a JFET having IDSS = 10 mA, VP = –5 V, and VGSQ = –2.5 V.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 02

  • A) 2 mS
  • B) 3 mS
  • C) 4 mS
  • D) 5 mS

10. Referring to the following figure, calculate gm for VGSQ = –1.25 V.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 03

  • A) 2 mS
  • B) 2.5 mS
  • C) 2.75 mS
  • D) 3.25 mS

11. Referring to this figure, obtain gm for ID = 6 mA.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 04

  • A) 2.83 mS
  • B) 3.00 mS
  • C) 3.25 mS
  • D) 3.46 mS

12. Referring to the figure below, determine the output impedance for VGS = –3 V at VDS = 5 V.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 05

  • A) 100 kΩ
  • B) 80 kΩ
  • C) 25 kΩ
  • D) 5 kΩ

13. Calculate gm and rd if yfs = 4 mS and yos = 15 ΩS.

  • A) 4 mS, 66.7 kΩ
  • B) 4 mS, 15 kΩ
  • C) 66.7 kΩ, 4 mS
  • D) None of the above

14. The steeper the slope of the ID versus VGS curve, the ________ the level of gm.

  • A) less
  • B) same
  • C) greater

15. When VGS = 0.5 Vp gm is ________ the maximum value.

  • A) one-fourth
  • B) one-half
  • C) three-fourths
  • D) two-thirds

16. If ID = IDSS / 2, gm = ___________ gmo.

  • A) 1
  • B) 0.707
  • C) 0.5
  • D) 1.414

17. The more horizontal the characteristic curves on the drain characteristics, the ________ the output impedance.

  • A) less
  • B) same
  • C) greater

18. What is (are) the function(s) of the coupling capacitors C1 and C2 in an FET circuit?

  • A) to create an open circuit for dc analysis
  • B) to isolate the dc biasing arrangement from the applied signal and load
  • C) to create a short-circuit equivalent for ac analysis
  • D) All of the above

19. Where do you get the level of gm and rd for an FET transistor?

  • A) from the dc biasing arrangement
  • B) from the specification sheet
  • C) from the characteristics
  • D) All of the above

20. Referring to this figure, find Zo if yos = 20 µS.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 06

  • A) 1.85 kΩ
  • B) 1.92 kΩ
  • C) 2.05 kΩ
  • D) 2.15 kΩ

21. Referring to this figure, calculate Av if yos = 20 µS.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 07

  • A) –3.48
  • B) –3.56
  • C) –3.62
  • D) –4.02

22. For the fixed-bias configuration, if rd < 10 • RD, then Zo = ________.

  • A) RD
  • B) RD || rd
  • C) RG
  • D) -gm • (RD || rd)

23. Which of the following is a required condition to simplify the equations for Zo and Av for the self-bias configuration?

  • A) rd ≤ 10RD
  • B) rd = RD
  • C) rd ≥ 10RD
  • D) None of the above

24. Referring to this figure, calculate Zo if yos = 40 µS.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 08

  • A) 2.92 kΩ
  • B) 3.20 kΩ
  • C) 3.25 kΩ
  • D) 3.75 kΩ

25. On which of the following parameters does rd have no or little impact in a source-follower configuration?

  • A) Zi
  • B) Zo
  • C) Av
  • D) All of the above

26. Referring to this figure, calculate Zo for VGSQ = –3.2 V.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 09

  • A) 362.52 Ω
  • B) 340.5 Ω
  • C) 420.5 Ω
  • D) 480.9 Ω

27. Referring to this figure, calculate Zi for yos = 20 µS. Assume VGSQ = −2.2V.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 10

  • A) 300.2 Ω
  • B) 330.4 Ω
  • C) 340.5 Ω
  • D) 350.0 Ω

28. Which of the following is (are) related to depletion-type MOSFETs?

  • A) VGSQ can be negative, zero, or positive.
  • B) gm can be greater or smaller than gm0’.
  • C) ID can be larger than IDSS’.
  • D) All of the above

29. Referring to this figure, calculate Av for yos = 58 µS.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 11

  • A) –7.29
  • B) –7.50
  • C) –8.05
  • D) –8.55

30. Referring to this figure, calculate Zi if rd = 19 kΩ.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 12

  • A) 2.42 MΩ
  • B) 2.50 MΩ
  • C) 2.53 MΩ
  • C) 2.59 MΩ

31. Referring to this figure, calculate Zo if rd = 19 kΩ.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 13

  • A) 1.75 kΩ
  • B) 1.81 kΩ
  • C) 1.92 kΩ
  • D) 2.00 kΩ

32. Referring to this figure, calculate Av if rd = 19 kΩ.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 14

  • A) –2.85
  • B) –3.26
  • C) –2.95
  • D) –3.21

33. Determine the value for RD if the ac gain is 8.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 15

  • A) 1.51 kΩ
  • B) 1.65 kΩ
  • C) 1.85 kΩ
  • D) 2.08 kΩ

34. Referring to this figure, calculate the value of RD if the ac gain is 10. Assume VGSQ = ¼Vp.

MCQs in FET Amplifiers Fig. 16

  • A) 2.2 kΩ
  • B) 2.42 kΩ
  • C) 2.62 kΩ
  • D) 2.82 kΩ

35. For an FET small-signal amplifier, one could go about troubleshooting a circuit by ________.

  • A) viewing the circuit board for poor solder joints
  • B) using a dc meter
  • C) applying a test ac signal
  • D) All of the above

Fill-in-the-blanks Questions

1. A field-effect transistor amplifier provides excellent voltage gain with the added feature of a _____ input impedance.

  • A) low
  • B) medium
  • C) high
  • D) None of the above

2. The depletion MOSFET circuit has a _____ input impedance than a similar JFET configuration.

  • A) much higher
  • B) much lower
  • C) lower
  • D) higher

3. The _____ is quite popular in digital circuits, especially in CMOS circuits that require very low power consumption.

  • A) JFET
  • B) BJT
  • C) D-type MOSFET
  • D) E-type MOSFET

4. _____ is the amplification factor in FET transistor amplifiers.

  • A) Zi
  • B) gm
  • C) ID
  • D) IG

5. _____ is an undefined quantity in a JFET.

  • A) Ai
  • B) Av
  • C) Zi
  • D) Zo

6. The _____ controls the _____ of an FET.

  • A) ID’, VGS
  • B) VGS’, ID
  • C) IG’, VDS
  • D) IG’, ID

7. Transconductance is the ratio of changes in _____.

  • A) ID to VGS
  • B) ID to VDS
  • C) VGS to IG
  • D) VGS to VDS

8. The transconductance gm _____ as the Q-point moves from Vp to IDSS

  • A) decreases
  • B) remains the same
  • C) increases
  • D) None of the above

9. gm has its maximum value for a JFET at _____.

  • A) Vp
  • B) 0.5 Vp
  • C) 0.3 Vp
  • D) IDSS

10. The value of gm is at its maximum gm0 at VGS equal to _____ and zero at VGS equal to _____.

  • A) 0 V, Vp
  • B) Vp, 0 V
  • C) 0.5Vp, 0.3Vp
  • D) 0.3Vp , 0.5Vp

11. The range of input impedance Zi for MOSFETs is _____.

  • A) 1 kΩ –10 kΩ
  • B) 100 kΩ –1 MΩ
  • C) 10 MΩ –100 MΩ
  • D) 1012 Ω to 1015

12. The range of output admittance yos for FETs is _____.

  • A) 5 µS –10 µS
  • B) 10 µS –50 µS
  • C) 50 µS –100 µS
  • D) 200 µS –500 µS

13. The _____ configuration has the distinct disadvantage of requiring two dc voltage sources.

  • A) self-bias
  • B) voltage-divider
  • C) fixed-bias
  • D) All of the above

14. _____ is the network-input impedance for a JFET fixed-bias configuration.

  • A) RG
  • B) RD
  • C) Zero
  • D) None of the above

15. _____ is a required step in order to calculate Zo.

  • A) Setting IG equal to zero
  • B) Setting Vi equal to zero
  • C) Setting ID equal to IDSS
  • D) None of the above

16. _____ configuration(s) has (have) Zo ≈ RD.

  • A) Fixed-bias
  • B) Self-bias
  • C) Voltage-divider
  • D) All of the above

17. _____ is the only parameter that is different between voltage-divider and fixed-bias configurations.

  • A) Zi
  • B) Av
  • C) Zo
  • D) None of the above

18. The input and output signals are in phase in a _____ configuration.

  • A) fixed-bias
  • B) source-follower
  • C) voltage-divider
  • D) self-bias

19. A _____ configuration has a voltage gain less than 1.

  • A) fixed-bias
  • B) self-bias
  • C) source-follower
  • D) voltage-divider

20. The input and output signals are 180º out of phase in a _____ configuration.

  • A) source-follower
  • B) common-gate
  • C) common-drain
  • D) voltage-divider

21. The isolation between input and output circuits in the ac equivalent circuit is lost in a _____ configuration.

  • A) common-gate
  • B) common-source
  • C) common-drain
  • D) None of the above

22. The _____ configuration has an input impedance, which is other than RG.

  • A) common-source
  • B) common-gate
  • C) common-drain
  • D) None of the above

23. The gate-to-source voltage VGS of a(n) _____ must be larger than the threshold VGS(Th) for the transistor to conduct.

  • A) JFET
  • B) D-type MOSFET
  • C) E-type MOSFET
  • D) None of the above

24. rd changes from one operation region to another with _____ values typically occurring at _____ levels of VGS (closer to zero).

  • A) lower, lower
  • B) lower, higher
  • C) higher, lower
  • D) None of the above

25. The _____ does not support Shockley's equation.

  • A) JFET
  • B) D-type MOSFET
  • C) E-type MOSFET
  • D) None of the above

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Note: Check your works. Field Effect Transistor Amplifiers - MCQs Answers

credit: Robert L. Boylestad©2013
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