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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Network Layer: Internet Protocol - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 3:01 PM
MCQs for Network Layer: Internet Protocol

Topic Outline

  • Internetworking
    • Need for Network Layer
    • Internet as a Datagram Network
    • Internet as a Connectionless Network
  • IPv4
    • Datagram
    • Fragmentation
    • Checksum
  • IPv6
    • Advantages
    • Packet Format
    • Extension Headers
    • Dual Stack
    • Tunneling
    • Header Translation

Begin and Good luck!

1. In IPv6, the _______ field in the base header restricts the lifetime of a datagram.

  • A)            version
  • B)            next-header
  • C)            hop limit
  • D)            neighbor-advertisement

2. In IPv4 header, an HLEN value of decimal 10 means _______.

  • A)            there are 10 bytes of options
  • B)            there are 40 bytes of options
  • C)            there are 10 bytes in the header
  • D)            there are 40 bytes in the header

3. In IPv4, an HLEN value of decimal 10 means _______.

  • A)            there are 10 bytes of options
  • B)            there are 40 bytes of options
  • C)            there are 40 bytes in the header
  • D)            none of the above

4. In IPv6, the _______ field in the base header and the sender IP address combine to indicate a unique path identifier for a specific flow of data.

  • A)            flow label
  • B)            next header
  • C)            hop limit
  • D)            destination IP address

5. In IPv4, what is the value of the total length field in bytes if the header is 28 bytes and the data field is 400 bytes?

  • A)            428
  • B)            407
  • C)            107
  • D)            427

6. The term ________ means that IP provides no error checking or tracking. IP assumes the unreliability of the underlying layers and does its best to get a transmission through to its destination, but with no guarantees.

  • A)            reliable delivery
  • B)            connection-oriented delivery
  • C)            best-effort delivery
  • D)            none of the above

7. The ________ protocol is the transmission mechanism used by the TCP/IP suite.

  • A)            ARP
  • B)            IP
  • C)            RARP
  • D)            none of the above

8. In IPv4, what is the length of the data field given an HLEN value of 12 and total length value of 40,000?

  • A)            39,988
  • B)            40,012
  • C)            40,048
  • D)            39,952

9. In IPv4, what is needed to determine the number of the last byte of a fragment?

  • A)            Identification number
  • B)            Offset number
  • C)            Total length
  • D)           (b) and (c)

10. The IPv4 header size _______.

  • A)            is 20 to 60 bytes long
  • B)            is 20 bytes long
  • C)            is 60 bytes long
  • D)            none of the above

11. In IPv6, when a datagram needs to be discarded in a congested network, the decision is based on the _______ field in the base header.

  • A)             hop limit
  • B)             priority
  • C)             next header
  • D)             none of the above

12. In IPv4, which field or bit value unambiguously identifies the datagram as a fragment?

  • A)             Do not fragment bit ? 0
  • B)             More Fragment bit ? 0
  • C)             Fragment offset = 1000
  • D)             none of the above

13. Which of the following is a necessary part of the IPv6 datagram?

  • A)             Base header
  • B)             Extension header
  • C)             Data packet from the upper layer
  • D)             (a) and (c)

14. In IPv4, when a datagram is encapsulated in a frame, the total size of the datagram must be less than the _______.

  • A)             MUT
  • B)             MAT
  • C)             MTU
  • D)             none of the above

15. In IPv6, options are inserted between the _________ and the ___________ data.

  • A)             base header; extension header
  • B)             base header; upper-layer data
  • C)             base header; frame header
  • D)             none of the above

16. An IPv4 datagram is fragmented into three smaller datagrams. Which of the following is true?

  • A)             The do not fragment bit is set to 1 for all three datagrams.
  • B)             The more fragment bit is set to 0 for all three datagrams.
  • C)             The identification field is the same for all three datagrams.
  • D)             The offset field is the same for all three datagrams.

17. In IPv4, if the fragment offset has a value of 100, it means that _______.

  • A)             the datagram has not been fragmented
  • B)             the datagram is 100 bytes in size
  • C)             the first byte of the datagram is byte 100
  • D)             the first byte of the datagram is byte 800

18. IP is _________ datagram protocol.

  • A)             an unreliable
  • B)             a connectionless
  • C)             both a and b
  • D)             none of the above

19. IPv6 allows _________ security provisions than IPv4.

  • A)             more
  • B)             less
  • C)             the same level
  • D)             none of the above

20. The IPv4 header field formerly known as the service type field is now called the _______ field.

  • A)             IETF
  • B)             checksum
  • C)             differentiated services
  • D)             none of the above

21. A best-effort delivery service such as IPv4 includes _______.

  • A)             error checking
  • B)             error correction
  • C)             datagram acknowledgment
  • D)             none of the above

22. The IPv4 header size _______.

  • A)             is 20 to 60 bytes long
  • B)             is 20 bytes long
  • C)             is 60 bytes long
  • D)             none of the above

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credit: Behrouz A. Forouzan©2013
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