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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Network Management: SNMP - MCQs

Posted by Unknown at 9:23 AM
MCQs for Network Management: SNMP

Topic Outline

    • Configuration Management
    • Fault Management
    • Performance Management
    • Security Management
    • Accounting Management
    • Concept
    • Management Components
    • Structure of Management Information
    • Management Information Base (MIB)
    • Lexicographic Ordering
    • SNMP
    • Messages
    • UDP Ports
    • Security

Begin and Good luck!

1. A manager is a host that runs the SNMP _______ process.

  • A)            client
  • B)            server
  • C)            both a and b
  • D)            none of the above

2. An SNMP agent can send _______ messages.

  • A)            Response
  • B)            GetRequest
  • C)            SetRequest
  • D)            none of the above

3. SMI uses another standard, ___________, to encode data to be transmitted over the network.

  • A)            MIB
  • B)            ANS.1
  • C)            BER
  • D)            none of the above

4. We can compare the task of network management to the task of writing a program. Both tasks need variable declarations. In network management this is handled by _________.

  • A)            SMNP
  • B)            MIB
  • C)            SMI
  • D)            none of the above

5. We can compare the task of network management to the task of writing a program. Both tasks need rules. In network management this is handled by ___________.

  • A)            SMNP
  • B)            MIB
  • C)            SMI
  • D)            none of the above

6. The _______ data types are atomic data types.

  • A)            structure
  • B)            simple
  • C)            both a and b
  • D)            none of the above

7. An SNMP agent can send _______ messages.

  • A)            GetRequest
  • B)            SetRequest
  • C)            Trap
  • D)            none of the above

8. Which is a manager duty?

  • A)            Retrieve the value of an object defined in an agent.
  • B)            Store the value of an object defined in an agent.
  • C)            a and b
  • D)            none of the above

9. We can compare the task of network management to the task of writing a program. Both tasks have actions performed by statements. In network management this is handled by _______.

  • A)            SMNP
  • B)            MIB
  • C)            SMI
  • D)           none of the above

10. An agent is a host or computer that runs the SNMP _______ process.

  • A)            client
  • B)            server
  • C)            both a and b
  • D)            none of the above

11. The Trap PDU is sent from the ______ to the _______ to report an event.

  • A)             server; client
  • B)             client; server
  • C)             network; host
  • D)             none of the above

12. To name objects globally, SMI uses an object identifier, which is a hierarchical identifier based on a _______ structure.

  • A)             linear
  • B)             tree
  • C)             graph
  • D)             none of the above

13. INTEGER, OCTET STRING, and Object Identifier are _______ definitions used by SMI.

  • A)             MIB
  • B)             SNMP
  • C)             ASN.1
  • D)             none of the above

14. The Response PDU is sent from the ______ to the ______ in response to GetRequest or GetNextRequest.

  • A)             server; client
  • B)             client; server
  • C)             network; host
  • D)             none of the above

15. SMI emphasizes three attributes to handle an object: _____, ________, and _________.

  • A)             name; data type; size
  • B)             name; size; encoding method
  • C)             name; data type; encoding method
  • D)             none of the above

16. SNMP uses the services of UDP on two well-known ports, _______ and _______.

  • A)             161; 162
  • B)             160; 161
  • C)             160; 162
  • D)             none of the above

17. SNMP uses two other protocols:________ and _________.

  • A)             MIB; SMTP
  • B)             SMI; MIB
  • C)             FTP; SMI
  • D)             none of the above

18. _______ runs the SNMP client program; _______ runs the SNMP server program.

  • A)             A manager; a manager
  • B)             An agent; an agent
  • C)             A manager; an agent
  • D)             An agent; a manager

19. An object id defines a _______. Add a zero suffix to define the _______.

  • A)             variable; table
  • B)             table; variable
  • C)             variable; variable contents
  • D)             none of the above

20. The _______ field in the SNMP PDU consists of a sequence of variables and their corresponding values.

  • A)             version
  • B)             community
  • C)             VarBindList
  • D)             none of the above

21. SMI defines two structured data types: ________ and _________.

  • A)             sequence; atomic
  • B)             sequence; sequence of
  • C)             a sequence of; array
  • D)             none of the above

22. The _______ field in the SNMP PDU reports an error in a response message.

  • A)             community
  • B)             enterprise
  • C)             error status
  • D)             none of the above

23. All objects managed by SNMP are given an object identifier. The object identifier always starts with _______.

  • A)   
  • B)   
  • C)   
  • D)             none of the above

24. Which of the following could be a legitimate MIB object identifier?

  • A)   
  • B)   
  • C)   
  • D)             none of the above

25. SMI has two broad categories of data type: _______ and _______.

  • A)             simple; complex
  • B)             simple; structured
  • C)             structured; unstructured
  • D)             none of the above

26. The _______ field in the SNMP PDU is an offset that points to the variable in error.

  • A)             community
  • B)             enterprise
  • C)             error index
  • D)             none of the above

27. SNMP defines the ___________________ to be sent from a manager to an agent and vice versa.

  • A)             format of the packets
  • B)             encoding of the packets
  • C)             number of packets
  • D)             none of the above

28. The GetRequest PDU is sent from the _______ to the __________ to retrieve the value of a variable or a set of variables.

  • A)             client; server
  • B)             server; client
  • C)             server; network
  • D)             none of the above

29. The _________ ordering enables a manager to access a set of variables one after another by defining the first variable.

  • A)             lexicographic
  • B)             linear
  • C)             non-linear
  • D)             none of the above

30. To define the data type, SMI uses fundamental _______ definitions and adds some new definitions.

  • A)             AMS.1
  • B)             ASN.1
  • C)             ASN.2
  • D)             none of the above

31. ________ defines the general rules for naming objects, defining object types, and showing how to encode objects and values.

  • A)             MIB
  • B)             BER
  • C)             SMI
  • D)             none of the above

32. For a 1-byte length field, what is the maximum value for the data length?

  • A)             127
  • B)             128
  • C)             255
  • D)             none of the above

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credit: Behrouz A. Forouzan©2013
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